Saturday, November 9, 2019

on to the next holiday

Halloween was fun. The kids have a parade with a purpose every year at their school, where they bring canned goods for the needy, and put them in boxes while parading around in their costumes. It's pretty cute. Addie said she was supposed to bring a jar of candy for kids who don't have a lot of candy. She was close. We go to several Halloween events so it's easy to understand how she got confused.

My thankful thing this week is that my kids are good little people. All four of them have giant hearts and they genuinely care about other people. I tend to get jealous for them when other kids are just plain gifted when it comes to school and others are killing it on the soccer field. But if I think about it, I'm not raising them to be scholars or athletes. I'm raising them to be kind and love others and I think they are actually pretty great at that.

I noted last week that Addie won the best kindergarten poster for red ribbon week. This was her poster. It's a picture of her watering her plant. There are birds and a sky and a giant red ribbon of course.

I like Winter's too: "Red ribon day is a day that rumindes you to not eat druges and that tupe of stuff." Spelling's not her thing but English is a hard language. It's constantly changing its rules. A for effort Winter.

Here's a picture of our new floors... and a horrendous seen from Jurassic park that Addie arranged.

And here's a pic of our new couches. And this is Angus doing preschool. Starfall on the Kindle.

Do you ever watch kids watching TV/YouTube when they think no one's watching? I do... obviously. Good stuff.

Angus always inspects everything. It's probably a guy thing. "Mom what dis made of?"

During the dead of summer, Angus locked himself in the hot car for about a minute. Everyone exited the car and the sliding doors were closed somehow without him getting out. He blamed Addie. I went into the house and waited for him to come in behind me. He didn't. I went outside and looked at the van and all the doors were shut. I peered in through the dirty van window and didn't see him in there. I called his name and he didn't answer. I went inside and called his name and he didn't answer. I grabbed my keys and opened the door to make sure. And there he was curled up in the very back of the Van whimpering and preparing for the worst. I grabbed him and consoled him. I told him how he could have died in there if I didn't find him. Drastic, I know but I wanted him to understand that it was serious. We talked about what to do if he ever got locked in the car again. I showed him where the horn was and told him to honk until someone opened the door. 

Fast forward a month. He brought it up again. 

Angus: Mommy member when I got wocked in da taw?
Me: Yeah that was scary huh.
Angus: Yeah
Me: Do you remember what you do if you get locked in the car again?
Angus: Umm DIE!
Me: No buddy, honk the horn, 'member?
Angus: Oh yeah, honk. Otay mom.

I took this pic to remember his little boy profile. I know it's going to change big time one day.

It's soup season! One of my favorite things about the cooler temps is that it is time for soup and tea. Not together of course. This is one of the old stand by's at Trader Joe's for me. It's awesome with some croutons or a grilled cheese sandwich. It's pretty plain by itself but it's delicious. 

Happy Thanksgiving month! I love Thanksgiving. It's always one of the best days of the year. I'm not a fan of turkey but I love ALL the other foods that come along with it. And it always gets us thinking about what we're thankful for... What are you thankful for? ❤️

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