Wednesday, March 4, 2020

ruvvermotes and restronots

Angus was pulling up a chair to the cupboard so I asked him what he was doing, to which he replied, "I got everything outta control." 👌

Addie came running up to me a few days ago and yelled excitedly, "Mom I just asked angus what’s 900 plus 900 and he said 1000! That’s right!" Then she ran away.

Today Winter sneezed and farted at the same time. The kids laughed for like 5 minutes straight. 

So now you know what it's like around here.

Mya and Winter were 5 and 4 when Angus was born so they had to do a lot on their own because I had my hands full with the other two. It was either that or wait forever for me to help them. So they learned a lot faster than most kids how to get a snack, make their lunch, make their breakfast, get dressed, do their hair etc. I remember a couple of years ago Mya and Winter were very loudly telling their Sunday school teacher that I do litterally nothing for them and they do everything themselves. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Yep... pretty accurate."

We've kind of kept with this theme of being pretty hands off with all four of them because I don't feel like doing everything for them and I want them to learn how to do things themselves. I'm just tired of meeting needs at this point honestly. Maybe I have PTSD from those crazy years of all the little people sucking me dry. Either way I think it has benefitted us all.

The other day, the kids made their own mac and cheese dinner and blessed their own food. My job here is done. 

When Mya was about 3 years old she called the remote control to the TV the ruvvermote. Not sure why. I never corrected her. I never correct my kids. I like to ride out the cute funny things they say as long as possible. One day they are going to learn the right way to say it and I'll never get to hear it their way again. To this day, all four of my kids say ruvvermote. The other day they were all four in the living room looking for the "ruvvermote" and they kept saying where's the ruvvermote?! I laughed at them and said, "Did you guys know that the ruvvermote is actually called the remote? Pronounced REEE MOTE. They all looked at me like I was speaking another language. Winter commented, "Wow. That sounds nothing like ruvvermote." They still call it the ruvvermote.

Dan is not as amused as I am when they mispronounce words. He's been training them for a few years now to pronounce restaurant correctly. They all say restronot. Like astronot. Again, Mya started that one and the others followed suit. 

I went to Costco Tuesday because we were out of a few things. Dan told me to grab a couple cases of water, because of the coronavirus I guess? I kind of get that everyone is getting crazy and buying all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer but I don't get the whole water thing. Like if you get quarantined in your house, you're going to need toilet paper. And the hand sanitizer is very necessary these days so everyone's hands stay clean. 

But why water? Is our fridge filter gonig to stop working? Is faucet water going to become poisonus. I asked Dan why everyone is buying up all the water and he said, "People need water." Not super helpful. People were grabbing water like crazy on Tuesday when I went to Costco. Guys were bringing it in from the back on forklifts. A lady saw me grab a case and asked, "Is there a sale on water?" To which I replied "Nope, Coronavirus." She looked confused. So am I, lady. Mya came to Costco with me and grabbed this giant squishmellow and named it Sylvia.  She bought it with her own money. I would never buy her a giant stuffed anything.

The kids get an allowance which I'm not sure if I've mentioned here before or not. Basically they get 50 cents per week, multiplied by their age. So Mya gets $5 per week and Angus gets $2 per week. Anytime they ask me for something at the store, I ask "You wanna buy it with your own money?" Then they don't ask for anything else. It's brilliant actually. They have chores they do daily and are expected to help out with different things like clearing the table and putting their laundry away. Mya has been on a kick to earn money. Winter will ocasionally do extra chores but not very often. If your kids are on a money earning kick, here's my list I put on the fridge if you need ideas.

My recommendation today is to just make nachos. They are so good. I love nachos. Any kind of nachos. When we have left over meat and tortilla chips, it's pretty much a guarantee that I'm making nachos at some point. I went through a phase in my 20s when I would eat nachos every single time I went out to eat anywhere. That lasted for like a whole year. These nachos consist of tortilla chips, leftover chicken, beans, cheese, (bake at 350 for 8 minutes then add) tomato, guac, buffalo sauce from Chick-Fil-A and a little bit of ranch. My rule is that any meal is healthy if it contains veggies or fruit. I am not a licensed nutritionist.

Happy Wednesday! 

P.S. I'm not sure what happened to spellcheck on Blogger but it's off now so we'll see how well I do all by myself. Let me know if you see any typos.