Saturday, April 25, 2020


I'm kind of sick of talking about how much COVID sucks. Let's talk about the upside to things right now.

1. The air outside is cleaner than ever. I've been enjoying a run every day this week. And by run I mean the slowest possible trot accompanied by a frequent walk and the feeling of overwhelming exhaustion but I just started "running" regularly so I'm sure it will improve. My thankful thing this week is my running pants with side pockets that hold my phone. Best invention ever. I turned them into cutoffs since the weather has heated up just a tad.

2. Also, my house is clean despite the fact that we had to cancel our cleaning lady this month. I have time to clean toilets now. Lili, my cleaning angel, does a way better job but I can fill in when needed.

3. My laundry is all done. Turns out the answer to all my laundry problems was just to never leave the house.

4. We are spending WAY less money according to Dan. I don't really pay attention to that stuff. I'm just a frugal shopper. He manages the finances. Money management isn't really my thing. But with me never leaving the house I'm way less likely to spend money on anything. Online shopping is nowhere near as fun. It'll have to do for now I suppose. 

That's all I have for now...

Dan and I played beat the parents with the big girls. Fun game. We read the question, "What sport does Tiger Woods play?" Winter replied, "I don't know what a Tiger Woods is but I love that name." Winter has an obsession with all wild cat things.

I'm not sure who these rules are aimed at but I swear I've never farted in her room.

Speaking of farting, these two had gas so I told them to do this. Actually, I think just one of them had gas and the other one was there for moral support. A friend told me a long time ago that this is how you are supposed to get gas out. Something to do with gravity and gas bubbles... Now you know.

Sometimes I put the dogs in charge of the kids and sneak up to my room and color while listening to my favorite podcasts. Having earbuds in my ears drowns out the noise coming from the litter of children I chose to give birth to. 

Angus: Addie, Addie, Addie!
Addie: Ugh stop calling me Addie. Call me Sis. That's what people call their sisters.
Angus: No I don't like Sis. Your name is Addie.
Addie: How bout Foxy Miss?
Angus: Oooookay Foxy Miss.

Angus is dressing himself these days so things are often backward. Addie is also dressed in Angus's clothes cuz why not.

A friend told me about how blue Dawn gets grease stains out of clothes. It totally works. I guess the blue one is the best? Just cover the grease spot with dawn, rub it in a little bit and toss it in the washer. The after picture looks just like this, except without the stain, obviously.

We got new dishes at Ikea a few months ago when we remodeled the kitchen. I have to say I'm impressed. They are so sturdy. Not one of them has chipped yet and I've definitely accidentally banged them around quite a bit. And the kids use them daily and still no chips, knock on wood. But I thought I'd share in case you're looking for some affordable nice sturdy new dishes. We chose the FARGRIK ones. You can find them at 

Well that's it for today. Stay safe and stay cool. Happy Saturday!

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