Thursday, April 11, 2013

black & blue

Winter has two baby dolls she has to have with her at all times. She calls them black baby and blue baby. She named them. I did not. She has always been drawn to dark skin. If there is a black person anywhere in our midst, she stares. She loves to hold black baby dolls. When given the opportunity to pick any baby in the store, guess which one she wanted. To Winter, black and brown are the same color. Hence the name black baby. I have tried to rename her Hannah but that didn't take. I have convinced my husband and Mya to call her Hannah but Winter has named her black baby and that's what she will always be. What can I say? She's 2.

Blue baby got her name from her blue outfit that is sewn on so it cannot be removed. All of the other baby dolls are naked. Blue baby is the only one with clothes. She used to make annoying baby noises until the battery finally ran out. We were so happy when that day came. I can't wash her because of all the wiring inside. She is the dirtiest and most loved of all the toys in our house.

She recently had an unpleasant accident. Well it wasn't really an accident. But the horrible tragedy was very unexpected. Winter threw her off of the balcony on to the wood floor. I have warned her several times not to do this because I know how she loves to watch things hit the floor. But the temptation was too great and blue baby landed with a crack. Winter let out a gasp and walked down the stairs as fast as her little legs could carry her. She picked up her beloved blue baby in two pieces. Her head and body were in two parts with only a wire to connect them. Then she said in a half whisper, half cry, "okaaay?" (Meaning, she's going to be okay right mommy?) I picked up blue baby and said, "Mommy will fix her." I racked my brain until I came up with a plan. Daddy can fix anything. So I took her out to the garage and gave Dan an emergency assignment. He smiled and told us to go back inside. He had to perform surgery and it wasn't going to be pretty. Well he did fix blue baby. He put some screws in her neck and a big bolt through her body and head. Good as new! Winter shouted, "Okay!" and hugged blue baby tight. That could have been a very dark day at the Wagenbrenners. Good work Daddy!

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