Thursday, April 25, 2013

smiles and tears

Look at these little angels. They are so happy with their sidewalk chalk and bubbles. They are smiling, giggling, playing together and just enjoying the lovely spring weather. That's what you would guess from these pictures. It's so funny that when moms see pictures of other people's kids, we always think that everything is just peachy and feel a tinge of jealousy because we think that somehow they've figured it out. Ha!

The bubbles and the chalk were a last ditch effort to kill time before dinner and baths before they killed each other. Winter quickly dumped all of her bubbles into one of the doggy bowls and demanded that Mya give her what was left in her bottle. I ran inside to get another bottle which lasted about 5 minutes before it was dumped on the floor as well. Oh well, we did kill a half hour or so.
The sidewalk chalk was actually a better idea. Although one of the pieces of chalk disappeared and I learned later that Winter fed it to one of the dogs. Wups. Hope it's not toxic.

I do enjoy my children. Especially when they are asleep and I look at these pictures. Somehow I forget about my yelling and the girls crying and I think, man I love those little stinkers. And everything seems peaceful... until tomorrow :-)

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