Tuesday, September 24, 2013

mom's whole wheat pancakes

I love going to my mom's house when she is cooking. I know I'm going to love whatever it is. My mom is vegan and constantly making stuff I love. Everyone always asks me what she eats since she's vegan. I think they assume just bread and veggies or something =) but she eats more of a variety of foods than anyone else I know. Here's the latest yummy recipe.

Home made whole wheat blueberry pancakes! I ate like 10.

First you make the mix. You can store it in the freezer in a Ziploc bag or make some pancakes right away by adding 1 cup water to 1 cup pancake mix.

You'll need:
2 cups brazil nuts or walnuts
12 cups whole wheat flour
2/3 cups cornstarch
1/2 cup baking powder (or 1 cup Ener-G powder)
1 cup sucanat (found at whole foods) or 3/4 cup sugar (or use 1/4 cup honey with water when ready to mix)
2 Tbsp salt

To make:
1. Place one cup nuts and 1 cup flour in food processor and whiz for one minute until nuts are as fine as the flour. Repeat with the 2nd cup of nuts.
2. Pour blended nut and flour mixture into a large bowl and add the remaining ingredients.
3. Mix together and store in plastic storage bag in the freezer.

When ready to make, add one cup mixture to one cup water and mix. Then add 1/2 cup blueberries and you're ready to go.

Preheat a nonstick skillet to med temp. Ladle onto hot griddle in 1/4 cup portions. Cook until golden brown on each side.

I eat my pancakes with 100% maple syrup or almond butter or apple sauce.

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