Friday, September 13, 2013

the beach

For a few years now our big family vacation has been a week or so of beach fun & relaxation. Traveling isn't ideal with little ones so we decided that until the kids are older, we would stick around SoCal and enjoy one of the best perks of living here. It takes about 45 minutes and we have reached our vacation destination. We go after labor day so we get a great deal and everyone else is back in school which makes for a quiet beach town and beautiful weather. Here are some highlights from our time in Newport last week.

The girls enjoyed finding lots of new and exciting things in the sand like seaweed, kelp, sand crabs, shells, bird feathers and other people's pieces of trash like bottle caps and the occasional cigarette butt.

Winter loved chasing the birds. She would run off and I would worry that she wouldn't stop running but she would eventually come back...

Their favorite thing by far was splashing in the waves with Daddy. My favorite thing was watching Dan spin the girls around super fast then watch them attempt to walk afterward. Winter was the funniest. She would take 3 steps sideways then crash into the sand.

We went for walks along the water and did some good old family bonding...
and the girls experienced their first corndogs down by the pier. I bought two, thinking I would just share with them but they completely devoured them. I had to buy another one for myself...
followed by chocolate ice cream of course
Bill & Karla, a couple favorites, came down to hang with us. Here we are enjoying the sunset. It was the best one of the trip. This first picture also includes our favorite beach doggy next door. Her name is Chase. She sits on her little perch and greets all the passers-by. I've never seen so many people gush and fawn over this little pup, especially our girls. She was super cute.

One of the best parts of our vacation was being able to watch Dodger games every night. We don't have cable at home so we didn't miss one game. Well I missed the end of a couple of late games because I was so comfy on the couch with the hubby. Vacation is exhausting.
A couple of young dodger fans...
There were a few things I wish I would have captured on camera like the girls holding hands and splashing in the waves together and the many sandcastles they built every morning. Winter would smash them seconds after they were built of course. And every morning we would sit and eat our breakfast while watching all the different dogs out for their morning walks. It was also fun to see kids riding their bikes to school on the boardwalk, backpacks on their backs and moms and dads trailing behind. We rode our bikes every day as well. (My pregnant butt is only slightly bruised) We took the bike trailer to carry the girls and sometimes they rode their own bikes; a bit of a stressful experience. They stayed on the right side for the most part though =)
Oh and one of the amazing beach sites I was lucky enough to witness was a tall, well built tan man rollerblading in a hot pink thong speedo. His buns were tan too =) Nice.  Unfortunately the hubby missed it =( He was disappointed.
We also ate like pigs. We had cookies, chips, cheeseburgers and tons of food we don't normally eat at home. I gained 5 lbs =) So worth it. 
All in all it was a great trip. Do the girls behave better on vacation? Of course not! We experienced twice as many tantrums, fights, timeouts and spankings, shorter naps and later bedtimes. But they had so much fun. They drove us nuts but it was worth it. Plus, everything is more enjoyable with a view of the sand and waves. Dan and I really enjoyed the peaceful times when the girls would be napping or down for the night. We played cards, read books and talked about what it would be like to live there. Of course we decided beach life would never be ideal all the time. But it is sure nice once a year.
There is a reason why people spend millions of dollars to own property on the beach. It doesn't get much better. Just a preview of heaven...
We felt very blessed to be there.

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