Monday, September 9, 2013


There's no way we moms can do what we do without a little me time. Obviously time isn't something most of us have. We have to MAKE time to relax. Most of the time I am tempted to just plop down in front of the TV and veg but there are so many better ways to feed my soul. This can be during naptime, when hubby is home, before the kids wake up in the morning or after they go to sleep at night. I find that the internet and TV don't necessarily help. Maybe the brain needs recharging, and zoning out altogether just doesn't work for that. Maybe for some it does. Obviously I go online. It helps to blog but it isn't on my list because I don't get that same relaxed feeling afterward.

I try to do something every few days that recharges my mom battery. Ideally I would do something every day. Here's a list of ideas. Mark your calendar so you remember to relax =)

First, indoor recharging...

-PRAY. I tell my heavenly father what is on my mind. I pray for everyone I love and try to remember all those prayer requests from friends who have asked for prayer lately. This takes longer than you would think. Sometimes I fall asleep praying for people. Sometimes I pray for people when I can't sleep. It is relaxing I must say.

-I take a bath with candles and soothing music. I like acoustic guitar music. Sometimes I will read in the tub. Sometimes I will just sit close my eyes.

-Write in my journal. At first, I had a hard time being completely honest because I didn't want anyone to ever be able to read everything I was thinking. My thoughts were safe in my head. But hopefully your hubby is trustworthy like mine and respects your privacy and you don't have to worry about that. It is worth it and freeing to actually admit my fears, frustrations, weaknesses, areas I struggle and prayers. I find that if I just write it all as a prayer to God, it helps to be honest. Turn on some music and light some candles too. Create a relaxing environment in your favorite spot in the house or outside.

-Read a book. Find a cozy spot in the house where you are comfortable but not so comfortable you will fall asleep =) After I put my girls to bed and clean up downstairs, sometimes I like to have a cup of tea and a cookie and read a book on my cozy couch that is well lit. Sometimes I plan to do that during the day and it gives me something to look forward to.

-I do yoga. (Not these days...too pregnant) Borrow a DVD or rent one from your local library for free. I have some you could borrow =)

-I find a craft I've been wanting to do on pinterest and actually do it. Crafting is so relaxing. And with holidays coming up, there are a ton of great ones to do. Don't forget the relaxing atmosphere as you craft; music and candles of course.

-I do something nice for someone. I bake some treats, cook a meal or write a nice card to someone who needs cheering up or has moved to a new state or country. Getting something in the mail is so much nicer than getting an email. That way, they can set it on their counter or window sill. Use that stationary you've had for years. It always lifts my spirits to do something for someone else. It gets me out of my own head where I build frustrations and count the ways that the day is sucking.

-I haven't learned how to knit or crochet yet but it is next on my creative list of things to do. I would imagine that it is super relaxing. They have classes that are pretty cheap or free. My mom taught me once. I'm sure most people have someone that would be willing to teach them how to crochet or knit. There are tutorials on youtube as well. Same goes for sewing. Sewing is super easy. The only tricky part is threading the bobbin. But once that is done, you pretty much push the pedal and guide the fabric. They have classes for sewing too.

-Draw or paint. Get a sketchpad at the 99 cent store and sketch something in the house. Focusing on one object is very calming. I used to love to sketch when I was in high school. I wasn't amazing but it kept me busy and brought out my creative juices. I could attempt to make a piece of art for the home. For example, four pictures of different items that my kids use like their shoes, a dress, a toy and a doll. That would be a really creative and personal wall decoration for my girls' rooms. I could leave them as a sketches or paint them.

Outdoor recharging...

Being outside really helps to clear my head. It improves my mood drastically. I remember when my first baby was just a few weeks old and I had been in the house going crazy and my husband suggested that we just go for a walk with our newborn. I felt 10 times better afterward. And we just went around the block a couple of times. Just 20 minutes was all I needed. I had no idea how much I needed fresh air. You hear people say it but it is so true.

-Walking is so good. I try to walk in the morning before my husband leaves for work. It helps to have a walking buddy. When it is just me, it is harder to get up so early. But once I am out there, I feel so great. My day is off to a much better start than when I am lying in bed telling my girls that mommy needs 5 more minutes before I get up. I like the morning because there isn't as much smog and it is cooler. I find that I am just happier throughout the day on the days that I walk. I like to run too but it's not for everyone.

-Another great thing to do in the morning is to read my bible or devotional before the kids wake up. It doesn't happen often but when I do, it is really nice to do it in the back yard in the morning air. I brew a cup of coffee, put on a cozy robe and read God's word. The hardest part about doing anything before the girls wake up is the moment the alarm goes off and making the decision to get up or keep sleeping.

-Meet up with a friend for a cup of coffee. There is nothing like a good talk with a girlfriend or girlfriends. Our lives get busy and time passes so quickly. I find that I am usually the one to plan stuff with my girlfriends. Otherwise, it doesn't happen. I am totally fine with that. I'm a planner. Once they are out, they are happy to have that time to chat too. Most women are social creatures. Even the introverts like conversation with a good friend, especially a friend with common interests. I love to hang out with other moms with small children because I know that I can really be honest and they will totally identify. It is also good to meet up with a mentor type friend; someone from whom you can learn life lessons and receive encouragement. It is nice to talk to moms that are in the next stage because they have been where I am and got through it successfully.
*If you can't get out, brew some decaf and bake some cookies and create a coffee shop type setting in your back yard or kitchen. Invite your friend over to your "coffee shop" to talk.

-I love to ride my bike. I usually have the kids in tow but every once in a while I get to go by myself and it is so nice. Nothing is flat where I live so I usually go uphill then coast downhill with the wind in my face. It is really refreshing.

-I like to sit at a coffee shop and read a book or write in my journal. I enjoy making lists and planning meals too. Sometimes it is easier to think once I am out of my house. If you can't leave and go to a coffee shop, create a coffee shop  in your backyard. Get creative. Clean up your patio furniture, light a candle, bring an ipod, brew some coffee or tea and enjoy the fresh air.

-I love shopping like most gals but I'm on a pretty tight budget so I frequent yard sales, thrift stores and 99 cent stores. I don't go just to browse though. I usually have a craft in mind or I need something like dresses for my girls or maternity clothes. I like to get a good list going before I start my bargain searching.

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