Saturday, February 21, 2015

toddler season

Ugh, I forgot just how exhausting this stage is. Adelyn is still a joy... most of the time. She sleeps and eats great. She's a happy baby. I really should not complain. And yet, I will! :) 

She's pretty manageable at home if we are downstairs not emptying the dishwasher. Any chore is ten times harder with a toddler, especially if she can reach the area that you are working with like the dishwasher or the dryer. 

I still do not enjoy taking her to the store with me... any store. I can't win. She is only happy if she is in the back of the cart throwing out whatever she can reach. If there is a bottom to the cart, I can put one of those little hand held baskets under it for groceries and carry my purse to ensure she can't touch anything. But then she just tries to climb out. I'm running out of options. These days, you'll often find me waddling down the isles at Target with a toddler on my hip trying to squirm out of my arms. Fun. 

We took her to Mya's school this morning to watch Mya get an award for excellence in writing. Go Mya!! I guess all those notes to mom and dad paid off.

The whole time Adelyn was throwing snacks, squirming out of Dan's arms, emptying mommy's purse, crawling away as fast as she could or throwing mommy's phone. It's okay I got a life proof case. Indestructible. Best investment ever. Actually someone gave it to me. I told Dan I was so happy he was there. How am I supposed to stay seated for over 30 minutes while 30 kids receive awards with a crazy 14 mo old wreaking havoc right next to me. Forget about getting pictures. 

This stage of life is just insane. It's pretty crazy with one or two little people but we just keep adding them! I don't blame strangers when they give me a wow look when I tell them I'm pregnant with my 4th. I rarely have them all with me so they say, "Awe, you are going to have your hands full with two!" I love telling people it's number 4. I get some weird satisfaction when I get that you poor thing look or why would you do that to yourself look or the most common you're an idiot look. I just keep saying, "What's one more?" Haha, what's one more? The tip of the ice burg that's gonna kill me, that's what. Time will tell!

1 comment:

  1. I get the same sense of weird satisfaction when I'm told I have my hands full with the two little boys & I say "oh these are my younger ones! My oldest boy is in kindergarten" :D
