Wednesday, February 25, 2015

kids conversing

I wish I had an ongoing tape recorder of the conversations that take place in this house. And only two of our soon to be four kids are really talking. Addie says Dada. That's it. Just Dada. I'm the one who takes care of her night and day but whatever.

Me: Mya, sit up and eat your dinner please. Why are you under the table?
Mya: Because Winter won't stop staring at me!
Me: She's staring at you because you are so pretty and she loves you. Now sit up please.
Winter: No, that's not it. I just want to.

Mya and Winter often take turns driving me crazy these days. It's nice of them not to team up on mommy so I am thankful for that. I think they each like it when the other one is in trouble so they exaggerate their good behavior. 

Winter is actually becoming more manageable...or I'm just getting used to her shenanigans? Either way, I find that I'm getting equally irritated with them both. That came out negative. I should add that they are equally fun and adorable too! ;)

I think Winter may be growing out of some of her disobedience and is learning that the punishment is not worth the crime. And I have figured out what works as far as getting her to do something when she doesn't want to. So yay for that. We have entered the crying phase though. Not fun. Anytime anything happens that she doesn't agree with, she hangs her head and cries. A little silent crying isn't so bad...I can handle that. 

Mya, however, has developed some sass and is incredibly stubborn lately, especially when she is tired. She likes to do this copying thing that drives me nuts. And sometimes when I ask her a question she just stares at me blankly if she doesn't want to answer. Not cool. She is also talking back a little bit. The other day, Dan told her to put her shoes on and asked her to feed the dogs as well. Her response was, "Well, this is your house so you need to do it." I laughed and Dan got angry. 

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