Monday, February 2, 2015

just the 3 of us

Dan and I usually go to Hume Lake every year for the annual firefighters retreat. This year it happened to fall a couple of weeks before my due date so we chose to change things up. We got a killer deal on a friend's beach house and spent two nights and 3 days in Newport instead. 

My mom watched the baby (Addie loves her) and my sister and her husband (still recovering) watched Mya and Winter. They went to the Aquarium of the Pacific, a farmer's market, and ate Mickey pancakes. And my friend Elizabeth (best dog sitter ever!) stayed at our house and watched the dogs. It takes a lot of people in order for us to have a couple of days alone. We are oh so thankful for them! And I don't think anyone missed us. They were getting way to much attention for that, especially Otter and Twitch. 

(I told Wendy to write her phone number on their arms in case they wondered off. She took it a step further and made signs.)

(This was a couple of months ago but they look pretty much the same)

We really had the loveliest time. Dan and I get along so nicely when the kids are not around. We slept in, walked to a cute little breakfast spot a couple of blocks away, went for a bike ride, played some pool, played at the Balboa Fun Zone where Dan won me a teddy bear and ate at nice restaurants WITHOUT KIDS! 

Dan also got to try paddle boarding for the first time. I opted for a kayak. Standing on a board for an hour while balancing my 7 month pregnant body didn't sound too smart. Next time I'm all over it. Dan loved it and wants to figure out a way to do it daily... hmmm. Swimming pool?

We found the best sushi place too, San Shi Go. We've been on the hunt since our old place closed down last year and finally found it! Too bad it's a bit of a commute...

Good-bye Newport Beach. We love you so much. 'Till next time!

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