Thursday, August 20, 2015


Dearest Mya, my first baby,

Wow, how you've become such an amazing little lady. You are smart, sensitive and beautiful. You have always amazed me with your ability to figure things out. You can watch someone do something once and you know how to do it. You love to giggle and have fun. 

You are so good with your sisters and brother. You are the best helper. I'm so glad that you are their big sister. You guide Winter when she needs help following the rules =) You are always willing to help me with Addie when she needs something and you are very gentle with Angus. I love that I can trust you with anything. I know you will tell me if there is a problem. And when I leave you with a babysitter, you can answer any questions they have. 

You are careful in life but brave at the same time. I know you will succeed in whatever you do. I love to think about your grown up version because you are already so incredible, I can't wait to see what kind of adult you will become. You love puzzles and board games. You love singing along to VBA songs and dancing along with "just dance" songs. You are a lot like me when I was your age...a rule follower, a people pleaser, and a bit bashful and reserved. It takes you a little while to become comfortable in new surroundings. But once you do, you become fun and silly and playful. I see myself in you in so many ways. I have loved watching you grow these last 6 years and I can't wait to see what the next year brings for you.


This year we celebrated with a pool party! So fun. It was like a bazillion degrees outside so instead of cake, we did popsicles. I didn't fool with games or any other birthday type things. Just pizza, pool, some decorations and presents. I've always been amused how kids love to watch other kids open presents. I've also learned that kids are not hard to please. They had a fantastic time. One little girl said it was the best pool party ever. It may have been her first but still. 

I got a little choked up singing happy birthday, (good thing it wasn't a solo!) I don't know why. Maybe because she is growing up... and I'm so proud of her.

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