Thursday, August 20, 2015

busy august

Well OMG! I have soooo much to write about and each day seems to slip away from me. It's 10:02PM right now and I figure this is the only chance I'm going to get to blog so here goes. 

These last few weeks have been a doozy in so many ways!

My best friend in the world moved even further away from me =( Big sis Wendy is now in Bakersfield and that makes me sad. That's all I have to say about that. 

My LITTLE sis Scarleth came to visit for a couple of weeks. It was a lovely time as usual. Scarleth is fun, cheery, loving and super helpful. It was so nice to have a helper mama to grab those fussy babies when I ran out of hands. 

AND Mya's hair always looks fabulous when she's in town. I love that other people think I'm the one who did it! Yep, I have four kids including a newborn AND time for french braids and curls haha.

We'll miss you Auntie! 'Till next year!

Mya started 1st grade AND Winter had surgery on her herniated belly button. The same day! Why not? 

Mya started a new school because her previous school was too crowded so we now go to Stanton Elementary! And that means we get to have Mrs. Elder as Mya's teacher which I'm SUPER excited about. Darla is my pal from church. I just love her. AND Mya and her teacher matched outfits on her first day! How fun and cute is that. Mya was loving it because thankfully she's 6 and not 12. That would have been embarrassing. And she is loving her new teacher and her new school. She is so independent and grown up. I know she was nervous and a little worried but she didn't let it show. She marched ahead of me and was ready to face her new surroundings head on. Go girl.

Winter faced her surgery with the same attitude. I was not loving the idea of my 4-year-old being put under. But it went well and she now has a normal belly button. She went to Queen of the Valley hospital where they totally spoil the kids. She had her own ipad, TV, and tons of new toys. Mya was totally jealous. She came home and laid around for about a day and was back to annoying her sisters in no time at all. 

I'm going to miss that little outie =( I will always remember her yelling at Addie who loved to play with it, telling her "It's not a toy ya know!" 

Tuesday Winter started her new preschool as well! Busy busy. And she informed me yesterday that she already has a fiance. He asked her to marry him. She said yes. She doesn't know his name but she loves him and misses him when she goes home. I met him today. He has a mohawk. He's 4.

So now it is just me and the babes in the morning. It is a bit tricky. Addie does not like to share anything, including mom. She learned to say mine. She says it like this, mmmmmmmmmmine! I'm SO thankful for an easy baby. I love Angus. He is just too cute. He's smiling and laughing and just being a really good little guy. He is by far the easiest infant out of the four. And Addie is by far the hardest 1-year-old... so far. We'll see how Angus is in a year ;)

And me? Well I'm pretty much just playing catch up all day. I'm behind on laundry, dishes, house cleaning, checking emails, blogging, and everything else. But this season only lasts for a little while and before you know it they're in 1st grade, walking away from you. 

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