Thursday, August 13, 2015

weekend with the babies

It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged. But man, what a crazy two weeks. What a crazy week this week has been... I'll get to that next blog. 

Just wanted to post some pics from my weekend with the little ones. Dan took the big girls on our annual camping trip with the Andersons.  I was not about to see what camping with 2 babies was like. And since I didn't go, Nancy (Mommy Anderson) jumped at the chance for a weekend alone. So, two dads and 8 kids. One was from another family. They had a blast. Dan said it was the best trip ever. My weekend was slightly less exciting. I gave Addie tons of attention, so she was in heaven. Angus slept a lot and did what 3 month olds do =) 

There was lots of cooking, fishing and hiking. Mya overcame her fear of holding a fish and finally was able to do it after hours of not quite having the courage. I definitely missed it up there. It is one of our favorite places. So gorgeous.

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