Monday, September 5, 2016

joy bringers

In case you were asking yourself, what makes Amie's kids happy? Well, you're in luck. I've provided that information below.

Angus (squishy mama's boy) 
Taking pots and pans out of the cupboard resulting in dog hair on everything, going through the kid cupboard where all the cups, bowls, bottles and utensils are. Dog hair all over that too. Sweeping the floor, swatting flies with the flyswatter. Playing outside with water toys, opening and closing the screen... hence the fly situation. He also loves the TV remote and batteries, people chasing him, and climbing the stairs when someone forgets to close the baby gate.

Addie (the loud adorable one) 
Playing with her babies, usually with Winter, getting attention from anyone, "reading books" which pretty much just involves yelling doggie! Then turning the page before I finish the first sentence. People chasing her, mornings, YouTube videos by Family Fun Pack and "playing" the piano (pounding on piano keys) not sure why I didn't see that coming when we were overjoyed to get a free piano. When someone gives you a piano you take it... Right?

Winter (affectionate trouble-maker) 
Cute 12 year old boys, playing Legos, watching dinosaur movies and shows (The Land Before Time and Dinosaur King), going for bike rides, going to "icecreamland" (yogurtland), cooking, baking, playing babies with Addie and holding Auntie Wendy's pet chickens.

Mya (overachieving germaphobe) 
Staying up late with mommy, playing on mommy's phone, folding clothes with mommy, trying on new hand-me-downs from the Andersons, organizing, printing out coloring pages but not coloring them, playing with her Shopkins, and going to target with mommy (I'm realizing she probably doesn't get enough mommy time...)

And speaking of joy bringers, we are headed out to the beach for two weeks so I'm signing off for now. My next post will be of course all about our time at the beach. 

Wendy, I posted three posts for you. So, no complaining about no blogging =)

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