Friday, September 2, 2016

overheard here

Dan: Honey do you know where the dustpan is?
Me: Yeah remember Angus was hitting me in the head with it this morning when I was trying to nap on the couch.
Dan: Oh yeah I do remember that haha. So where is it now?
Me: It's probably by the couch…
Dan: Oh yep here it is thanks!
Me: No problem
Winter: Mom! Mom! Mom!
Me: Stop saying Mom!
Winter: But Mom it's a INMERGENCY!
Me: Ugh what happened?
Winter: Addie goed poopoo! In hers panties! (That was fun to clean up)
(Winters definition of love)
Winter: Mom, Angus loves me! See when I hug him he doesn't freak out!
(After Dan came home from hunting with Twitch)
Winter: Oh Twitch I missed you so much! Wait is this Otter or Twitch?
Me: Otter
Winter: (runs over to Twitch) - Oh Twitch I missed you so much!
Winter: I can't wait till I'm all growed up and I can have a bunch of babies cuz I just love them!
Me: You know babies drive you crazy and cry all the time and you have to hold them all day. 

Winter: I knooooow that's why I'm gonna get a wife like you to do that.

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