Tuesday, September 20, 2016

newport 2016

Warning: Extremely long post.

Just got back from our annual Newport Beach trip. I'm walking around not really knowing what to do. There is an insane amount of work that goes into preparing, packing and unpacking for something like this. So I figured I could at least blog about our time there. I have a butt load of pics. And I totally realize it's boring to see other families' vacation pics so I don't expect you to read every word or look at every picture. But in case you are my mom or my sister, I will try not to leave too much out. 

That was the sign hanging in our living room. Very fitting. Everyday with kids.

Nothing super interesting happened this trip. It was just good ol' fashioned family bonding time. The Bakers (Dan's cousin Wendy and her family) rented the upstairs portion of the house and we rented the downstairs. Mya was in heaven. She loves 7 year old Taylin more than all of her other best friends. Mya hands that title out to everyone but Taylin is definitely at the top. Winter played with 4 year old Rylie most of the time. There wasn't too much drama... I think. They hung out mostly upstairs so we didn't really see Mya or Winter for about 7 days =) Dan and I LOVED spending time with them. We see them a few days out of the year and it is never enough time. So this has been pretty awesome. They are sweet and fun and easy to share a vacation with.

Well, it wasn't exactly a vacation. That implies relaxation. We had a much smaller house for our increasingly expanding family BUT it came with an ocean view. Worth it. I enjoyed walking to get coffee every morning and eating fish tacos every day for lunch and there may have been margaritas. Every day around 4:00. And we did get to go out a few times sans kids and we all took turns watching the little ones so we could go paddle boarding or walking on the beach or just sitting in a chair on the sand, reading a magazine.

Dan enjoyed going out on the paddle board most mornings. Mya loved doing anything with Taylin including bike rides, playing in the water, watching the ipad and who knows what else. Winter was done with bike rides after we went on a pretty long one. She said never again and she meant it. Winter loved chasing the birds and finding sand creatures. Addie liked to play in the sand and follow the big girls around. She loved going on bike rides with Dan too. Angus enjoyed going through the non baby proofed kitchen and throwing random things in the trash like bowls. He also enjoyed strolls down the boardwalk when it wasn't too crowded. I was always with him of course. Except the one time he escaped and wondered out about a block away, in between the two lanes of bikers whizzing by. Yeah he totally could have died. But he didn't. And that's what is important. I was a good mom 99 percent of the trip. Just lost him for a minute.

We all enjoyed eating junk food and drinking lots of bad for you drinks like caprisuns for the kids, and monsters, diet coke and limeritas for the grownups. Some days were peaceful and some days were nuts. Usually the weekends meant we had lots of visitors (which we loved) and the beach was crowded (which we didn't love). But Monday through Thursday, crazy quiet.

The weather was perfect. On the cool side. It's usually pretty hot in September but not this year.

No major injuries except my intercostal muscles (muscles in between the ribs) near my heart. I assume it happened paddle boarding? Who injures themselves paddle boarding. I wish I could say I was doing paddle-yoga which is becoming more popular these days. Nope just regular old easy does it paddle boarding in the marina where there are no waves. Just peaceful glassy water. I thought I was having chest pains so that was scary. But my paramedic husband evaluated my symptoms and assured me that my heart was just fine. Whew. But I couldn't pick the babies up for a few days or it would start hurting again. Sooooo, mom had to stay a few extra days and help out. I don't think she minded.

All in all it was probably the best trip yet I think. There were lots of tears because we have 4 kids but there were lots of laughs and hugs too. Somehow I missed getting a picture of my WONDERFUL mother. Not sure how that happened. But I think this trip would have been way different had she not have been there. She brought her crossword book, healthy food and super calm presence and made everything okay the way moms do. Thanks mom. You're the best.

I forget what Mya was upset about... I think she didn't like her chocolate milk.

Winter took this one of her baby in baby jail.

Angus didn't want to fly a kite. 

I told Winter's teacher we would practice spelling...

My feet were so happy.

Daily push up time. Winter did one and a half.

Deep discussions about dogs. 

Still wanted to be held all the time out there. 


Sharing chips with Dad.

Pointing at the dogs.

More pointing at the dogs. Hooray for reinforcements. Wendy stayed one night. Not long enough.

Love these ladies. They stole me away for a very much needed long walk on the beach just as I was starting to lose it. That was before mom got there of course. 

Silly Uncle Bill. 

Sand rolling.

I had my mom bring a bunch of blankets. We were not prepared.

I can see these girls in 10 years. Ugh, I don't want to but I totally can.

Double date night! 

Winter thought this was the worst idea ever. She's off to the left pouting.

Transportation. I roller-bladed with the stroller. The girls were super impressed. 

People pay Jason for his workout expertise in Santa Barbara. These girls got free lessons. There's Winter on the right, not impressed. 

The ultimate fish taco from Slapfish. I can taste it when I close my eyes.

So many cousins =) <3

Dan tried taking Winter on the paddle board. In the ocean. Brave. They fell. Good try.

That sky. It's humbling. Whenever I go to the ocean I am in awe of the beauty and the enormity of my Heavenly Father. He's so much bigger than anything in this life. 

Angus's fav spot. When you're 1 and you find a seat just the perfect height, you sit there.

Winter is crying. This was the end of the trip when everyone was overtired and ready to get back to real life. Dan cringes when I say family picture. I get it. But we still have to do it.

I bribed her with ice cream. 


  1. Thanks honey. You captured it all. What a wonderful trip it was. The ocean is so soothing. Hugs!

  2. 😍😘🤗
    Looks and sounds wonderful
