Thursday, September 29, 2016

God knows

About 8 years ago before I was a mom, I drove pretty fast. I tried to keep it at 79 because that is what I thought a safe speed was. Well, the speed I thought cops wouldn't pull me over for. I'm not sure why but I've always felt the need to get where I'm going in a hurry.  

Well this one time, I remember very clearly. I was traveling in the fast lane as usual and a police car came up quickly behind me with his lights on. I thought he was pulling me over so I got over to the right one lane. But he flew right past me. Relieved, I kept driving. But then he started doing that thing police do when they are trying to slow or stop traffic. He started swerving from left to right, left to right until everyone on the freeway was completely stopped. I was in the very front of the car crowd so I got a front row seat to why this policeman was stopping us. Annoyed, I stopped, inching forward just a little, becoming more impatient by the second. I was late for work as usual. 

As the officer was getting out of his vehicle, just up ahead in the road I saw it. A giant bumper. It looked like it probably belonged to a semi truck. It was huge. And guess where it was. In the fast lane of course. The officer dragged it over to the side of the road. How did a semi bumper end up in the fast lane? Well, several cars had hit it and pushed it there I assume. As I continued down the freeway after the officer had cleared the road, there must have been about 8 cars in the emergency lanes to the left and right who had hit that giant bumper. 

Before I drive, I usually say a prayer for safety. It's a habit that my mom started when I was little and it just stuck I guess. I know my heavenly father kept me safe that day. My little Toyota Corolla would have been no match for that bumper and He knew that. 

Sometimes in life, we can't see what's up ahead. Sometimes doors are closed or things don't go as we planned. Sometimes I pray and my prayer is not answered the way I think it should be. And then I remember the bumper. Sometimes I think I know what is best but He's the only one that knows what lies ahead. 

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