Tuesday, January 17, 2017

mya's scary audition

Mya came home with a flyer from a local non-profit kids theatre organization. She handed me the paper and said, "Mom, I want to do this!" I looked at it and said, "Ummm ok I guess." It worked out that we were able to fit it into our crazy schedule and we drove down to audition for a kids musical. 

 On the way there, I started getting nervous for her. I warned her about the different things that they may have her do, like sing or dance in front of people. She didn't even seem at all concerned about any of it. She was like, "Yeah okay mom." 

When I was in 2nd grade, Mya's age, I signed up for the school talent show. I sang, Somewhere Out There from An American Tale. I practiced and practiced and when the big day came, I was more nervous than I thought possible, but I was pretty confident when I was finished that I had done a pretty amazing job. I mean, I even did cartwheels during the instrumental part. It was a talent show after all. But I didn't earn any trophies or medals. In fact I came in 4th out of 4 people in my age group. It affected me greatly. I never sang a solo in front of people after that. I didn't want Mya to experience the same heartbreak I did. I didn't want her to be so nervous that her heart felt like it was about to explode. 

But Mya is not like me. She is all business. She went in there, learned the dance and the song, Good Ship Lollipop, and sang and danced it like she had been doing it her whole life. There were probably about 100 people in the theatre including performers, parents and staff. She looked so tiny on that stage. But she was by far the best little performer there. She sang loudly and confidently. And she smiled and danced with personality, just like they told her to do. 

I beamed with pride. I was so surprised and pleased with her. Not just that she did an awesome job, but because Mya can do anything she sets her mind to. Anything. She is driven. She is confident. It's going to be so fun watching her grow. I love it when I can see the gifts God has given my children. 

Being a parent is such a huge roller coaster ride. It has high highs and low lows. But those highs make those lows totally worth it. And my oldest is only 7. There is so much more in store for Dan and me. What an exciting thought.

All of the kids that auditioned were picked for the same part in the musical and we actually decided that it would be too big of a commitment this time. But I'm so happy we went down there. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This brought tears to my eyes. I felt so nervous for her as I was reading. She is so awesome. I'm so proud of her. And I am proud of the parent you are to her.
