Sunday, January 22, 2017

random pics

Every night I sing You Are My Sunshine to Addie. Not because I'm such a good mommy but because Addie's in charge and she wants mommy to sing "shunshine." Every night.

This is her singing to her baby...

"You are my shunshine my only shunshine. You make me happy you make me saaad. You make me cryyyy."

That's not really how it goes Addie.

This is Dan's to do list. Cute pencil <3

Mya's 2nd grade portrait. And Winter's Kinder. No more paying for overpriced pictures. I'm protesting from here on out. Just took a picture of the proof... if you didn't get that from the pics. 

Okay that's what I originally wrote. But then my sister Wendy made me agree to keep ordering them for her. She's not on board with my protest.

Winter took care of these two for 2 minutes. Then she got tired. I know Winter. I know. 

(Back in November) I took this picture because I was excited to find this many clean articles of soccer clothing in the pile of clean clothes on my bed the morning of game day. 

This is breakfast most mornings. I wish I was kidding.

We're gonna need some more trucks.

These two love matching. Well Mya loves matching and convinces Winter to play along. And luckily we receive hand me downs from twins with lots of matching dresses. 

You never know what you're going to find in the pantry...

I was so proud of this nutritious dinner I had to take a pic. Doesn't happen very often. And look how colorful.

1 comment:

  1. I have plenty of trucks if you need to borrow some! ;)
