Friday, June 30, 2017

black and white june

Mya took this pic. It's one of my most favorites.

Big sis. Little bro.

Me: Where'd Angus go?? Ugh whatever we don't need him I guess. Let's put this blanket on Addie so she's not so naked. 


Me: ugh can you just smile please Addie. Or how about can everyone just look in my direction?

Everyone had ice cream but Angus doesn't like cold things, even though it was like 97 degrees, so he chose a lollipop. Perfect. Cheaper. Done.

Rocking the heart necklace.

A night out with friends. Friends I've known for over 20 years. Crazy. Oh and Wendy who I've known for over 36 years cuz she's my sister. I always look so excited to be out. Can't hide it I guess.

So this is what school is like...

Mya reminds me so much of my mom. She's built just like her, inside and out. Both tiny with huge hearts. Whenever she complains about her size, I remind her that she's just like her Grandma. She's totally okay with that.

I really need to work on my selfie face...

This hair. I love it so much. But I really need to cut it... But I love it so much.

Those cheeks and that neck. They are like little magnets that when exposed must be kissed if they are anywhere near me.

Monday, June 19, 2017

kids were here

I love the way kids think. They take anything normal or boring and make it into whatever they want it to be. Winter is definitely the winner of that sort of thing. She used to often make "soup" when she was 3 and 4 years old and I would find literally ANYTHING in her soup from puzzle pieces to socks to orange peels to whole onions to tiny little lego people. It has always been one of my top ten things I love about having kids. When they are in bed and the house is quiet, I often see little traces of them here and there. I've decided to keep an ongoing blog post about the things I see around my house that I find strange but also awesome because it proves that there was a kid here, doing what kids do.

Dish rag "blankets" on the dogs because what if they get cold?

Toy horses in the frying pan.

Blow dryers in the laundry hamper. Good thing I never get the chance to actually do my hair.

Crackers mixed in with the nuts.

 Doggies in the cake server. Good thing I never serve cake.

Stuffed animal powwows by my nightstand. This looks like a serious meeting.

I was looking for this croc all day.

Love notes on the knife holder 💓💓

...more to come =)

Friday, June 16, 2017

more descanso

This place (Descanso Gardens in La Canada) was in full bloom and pretty lovely last week...

Hey mama goose, you have four kids, I have four kids... we should hang out sometime.

Her gaggle and my gaggle... but hers are way more obedient. They just follow her. How does she do that?

I don't want my sweatshirt. I HATE my sweatshirt. I DON'T need it. She left it in the car. Then 5 minutes later, I'm SO COLD MOOOOOOMM!! So she's wearing Angus's. 

I took Addie to go potty and while I squatted down to get toilet paper, she exclaimed, "Wow mom!! You have BIG KNEES!!" I hadn't really thought about that before, but now every time I squat, I notice that my knees do grow quite a bit. =)

Okay get ready, I'm about to get deep. This picture reminds me that this little man is walking into a totally open field, not having any idea what lies ahead, much like he enters life, totally open with endless possibilities. I have no idea what his future holds... and it's scary but at the same time peaceful and a little exciting.

He looks so small.

We never come on the right day to ride the little train (Tuesdays and Saturdays), but we still enjoy walking on the tracks...

They all kind of look alike but are all SO different it's amazing.

Her new pet, 'Big Dude.'

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

grocery store epiphany

So, I was at Costco with Angus on Monday and realized something. I should ALWAYS have lollipops in my purse. I should always bring them to the grocery store with me. That and those stupid bags I ALWAYS forget. Like always. Why have I never made this a rule?? We are not big candy people. We rarely use it to bribe or reward our children. Potty training required big guns such as jelly bellies but other than that, we pretty much don't allow our kids to have sweets. That's more a rule that Dan is firm about and not so much me. But I enforce it because it sounds like a good rule.

But I think back to all of my grocery store catastrophes and seriously, they ALL could have been avoided with candy. I don't mean I'm going to reward bad behavior. I mean toddlers are devils disguised as angels, and the only way to make it out of Target, Vons, Albertsons and the dreaded Costco alive is with candy.

A week or so ago, I took Addie and Angus to Albertsons in the late afternoon. I know, rookie mistake. But I had to kill an hour during gymnastics and I needed milk. Okay beer. It was the worst grocery shopping experience ever. I don't even want to talk about because it makes my palms sweat. So I'll just sum up the last 5 minutes, even though my little people were being awful the whole time.

The lines were UBER long. I thought they had that little thing called three's a crowd... NOT!! More like 8 in every line. A saint of a lady let me go ahead of her because Addie was telling the whole store she had to go potty. Then the cash register/computer froze. Then I removed my card out too quickly when the machine told me to remove card she said. What?! And Angus was screaming and squirming out of my arms and yanking the card out of the little thingy you put your card in. And Addie was saying I GOTTA GO POTTY MOOOOMM! I kind of yelled at the cashier and told her my daughter was definitely going to pee all over the place like now if she didn't wrap it up like stat. She finally handed me my receipt. I threw Angus over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes which was pretty much the only way I could carry my squirmy fussy little man and loudly stated, "Worst shopping trip ever!" and speed walked to the bathrooms.

By some miracle Addie didn't pee all over the floor. She actually made it to the potty. More times than I can count, she has announced that she has to go potty then has proceeded to pee all over the bathroom floor. I've removed the rug from the bathroom permanently and occasionally bring it out when we have company.

ANYWHOOOO... the whole Albertsons situation could have been avoided with lollipops, I'm sure of it. Angus would have sat quietly in the front of the cart, Addie would have sat in the back, let me know she had to pee, then would have been too distracted by her lollipop to keep yelling at me. I wouldn't have been flustered and yelled at the cashier. Nobody around me would have been made uncomfortable by the crazy, frenzied mom with her tiny but loud 3-year-old yelling about the potty.

I DID take lollipops to Costco Monday on a whim on my way out the door. Angus is two and any shopping trip is pretty much hell after 20 minutes and I just cannot do Costco in 20 minutes with all the people and lines and samples. Oh the samples. Must stop at all sample stations. Yes, Costco was a BREEZE with lollipops. And I only used two tiny little ones. And Angus didn't even want the rest of his 2nd one. From now on, lollipops always.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

black and white May

Sometimes they can't even be in the car together without fighting over who is looking at who the wrong way. And then sometimes they can color the same picture at the same time and smile the whole time and laugh at nonsense. Part of being sisters 💗

"I'm just gonna rest here for a minute k mom?"

"Everything is upside down!"

Not sure what's happening with Angus. Mya may have bumped him. He's delicate. 

Mya: You know what I just realized, golf balls are balls that people golf with!! That's why they call them golf balls! 

Waiting for hot dogs...

Caught Addie mid yawn =)

Angus has a 10 minute wakeup period. He just sits next to me like this and waits 'till he's ready to be awake. He won't let me get up either.

I love the way he sleeps, legs tucked up under him. 

Winter's last day with her amazing teacher. We have been SO blessed when it comes to teachers. I've loved every single one of them. 

That face.

Promotion news 💗

big red obsession

Angus asks about Dan when he's at work pretty much every few hours. He says, "Awa DADDY?" I say, "He's still at work buddy." To which he replies "Oh." 

But then as soon as Dan gets home he asks him where his truck is... "Awa TUCK?!"