Friday, June 16, 2017

more descanso

This place (Descanso Gardens in La Canada) was in full bloom and pretty lovely last week...

Hey mama goose, you have four kids, I have four kids... we should hang out sometime.

Her gaggle and my gaggle... but hers are way more obedient. They just follow her. How does she do that?

I don't want my sweatshirt. I HATE my sweatshirt. I DON'T need it. She left it in the car. Then 5 minutes later, I'm SO COLD MOOOOOOMM!! So she's wearing Angus's. 

I took Addie to go potty and while I squatted down to get toilet paper, she exclaimed, "Wow mom!! You have BIG KNEES!!" I hadn't really thought about that before, but now every time I squat, I notice that my knees do grow quite a bit. =)

Okay get ready, I'm about to get deep. This picture reminds me that this little man is walking into a totally open field, not having any idea what lies ahead, much like he enters life, totally open with endless possibilities. I have no idea what his future holds... and it's scary but at the same time peaceful and a little exciting.

He looks so small.

We never come on the right day to ride the little train (Tuesdays and Saturdays), but we still enjoy walking on the tracks...

They all kind of look alike but are all SO different it's amazing.

Her new pet, 'Big Dude.'

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