Thursday, June 1, 2017

black and white May

Sometimes they can't even be in the car together without fighting over who is looking at who the wrong way. And then sometimes they can color the same picture at the same time and smile the whole time and laugh at nonsense. Part of being sisters 💗

"I'm just gonna rest here for a minute k mom?"

"Everything is upside down!"

Not sure what's happening with Angus. Mya may have bumped him. He's delicate. 

Mya: You know what I just realized, golf balls are balls that people golf with!! That's why they call them golf balls! 

Waiting for hot dogs...

Caught Addie mid yawn =)

Angus has a 10 minute wakeup period. He just sits next to me like this and waits 'till he's ready to be awake. He won't let me get up either.

I love the way he sleeps, legs tucked up under him. 

Winter's last day with her amazing teacher. We have been SO blessed when it comes to teachers. I've loved every single one of them. 

That face.

Promotion news 💗

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