Monday, June 19, 2017

kids were here

I love the way kids think. They take anything normal or boring and make it into whatever they want it to be. Winter is definitely the winner of that sort of thing. She used to often make "soup" when she was 3 and 4 years old and I would find literally ANYTHING in her soup from puzzle pieces to socks to orange peels to whole onions to tiny little lego people. It has always been one of my top ten things I love about having kids. When they are in bed and the house is quiet, I often see little traces of them here and there. I've decided to keep an ongoing blog post about the things I see around my house that I find strange but also awesome because it proves that there was a kid here, doing what kids do.

Dish rag "blankets" on the dogs because what if they get cold?

Toy horses in the frying pan.

Blow dryers in the laundry hamper. Good thing I never get the chance to actually do my hair.

Crackers mixed in with the nuts.

 Doggies in the cake server. Good thing I never serve cake.

Stuffed animal powwows by my nightstand. This looks like a serious meeting.

I was looking for this croc all day.

Love notes on the knife holder 💓💓

...more to come =)

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