Wednesday, April 11, 2018

crappy crap

This is literally the only picture I have for this week. Sorry. Not sure why Mya's leg is in the air. I didn't even tell them to make silly faces. I simply said hey girls, and took a pic. 

Regarding the title of this post, the last 30 hours or so have been not great. Before I go any further I would like to say that I am fully aware that there are people with real problems who are actually suffering out there. I know. I pray for some of them on a regular basis. Even when I'm frustrated or livid with my children, I'm always fully aware of how ridiculously blessed I am to have these little ones in my life. I write these posts for several reasons. 
  • So Dan I can look back one day when we have nothing but time and laugh.
  • My sister Wendy loves my blog.
  • I am horrible about keeping in touch with loved ones, especially those in other states. This way, hopefully they feel like they are included in my life.
  • To make my friends and family laugh or smile or simply just be entertained for a few minutes.
  • To encourage other mommies who are living the same life. 
  • To keep a sense of humor. When I see a disaster, I don't freak out. I roll my eyes, laugh and take a picture for the blog. (Except this time. I didn't take any pictures this time)
So back to the crappy crap. I really need to stop saying that this mom thing is getting easier. Because when I do, I always have a reality check day... or two. Like yesterday (Tuesday) at 12:00AM my 7 year old came in my room crying because she was certain she had ants in her bed. I sent her to sleep on the couch downstairs and assumed the ants were imaginary. We never have ants. And why would they be in Winters bed? At 1:00AM Angus called "MOOOOOOM!!! Gotta peepee!!" Ugh seriously dude? That's what pull-ups are for. I took him pee and went back to bed. He woke up again at 4:30AM. I gave him some milk and he went back to sleep.

At 5:00AM Addie woke me up to tell me Winter had vanished. I told her she was downstairs and a whole conversation about ants ensued. Addie went back to her room (where Mya was still sleeping) and turned the light on to check for ants even though I told her there probably weren't any. She had to see for herself. Mya angrily stormed into my room complaining that Addie woke her up with the light. Angus yelled from the other room. Of course the ant comotion woke him up too. And then Winter came up the stairs to join in the fun because no one can sleep once Angus is up. He only has one volume. Loud. All of this before 5:15AM. The ants were indeed imaginary. We had a regular-ish day after that.

Fast Forward to dinner time. Oh dinner time. As I was chopping veggies and boiling pasta, Addie knocked over an entire flavored sparkling water that Winter had just poured into a cup. It covered half of the table (covered in legos) and made a pretty impressive pile on the floor. As Addie continued to play legos, pretending the lego people were now swimming in little pools of soda, Winter and I tried to soak up the soda. With no time or patience to convince her to actually help clean the mess, I told Addie to go into the living room, so of course she jumped down into the puddle of soda and left little soda footprints all the way to the living room. 

Seeing the spill made Angus thirsty. I'm on the floor on my hands and knees and he is yelling, moooom I need WAAARRR!! (That's how he says water) I got up to stir the pasta and told him to wait a minute while I cleaned up the soda mess. He then spotted another forgotten sparkling water  on the island and tried to grab it but dropped it on the floor. A full one of course. I laugh/cried at the situation and began to clean the second mess. Mya came in and asked what happened. I told her and she replied, "Oh... what are we having for dinner?" I told her leave the room immediately and finished cleaning up the sodas and made dinner. 

This morning was pretty much a repeat of yesterday minus the ants. Addie turned on the light and woke everyone up at 5AM. And Angus woke up at 4:30. Unfortunately, painfully early mornings are not unusual around here. I grumpily headed down the stairs to put on some coffee and let the dogs out. I reached into the dishwasher for one of my favorite coffee mugs and somehow dropped it on the hardwood floor and it broke into many pieces. Bummer. I loved that mug. I didn't get too mad about it, mostly because I was still so sleepy. Finally, after sweeping and vacuuming I was able to pour my coffee into another favorite mug. I set it down on corner table next to the couch where I always sit and went to help Addie with something. Things are usually safe on the corner table because it's wedged in between two couches. Winter and Angus were horsing around and Winter swung a blanket over Angus's head and onto the corner table where my first hot cup of coffee was sitting. I hadn't even had a sip yet. It fell off the table and broke. Coffee and pieces of my mug were everywhere. I'd be lying if I said the thought that maybe I was being punished for something didn't cross my mind. 

I would like to say that I handled the situation like a grown up. It was an accident after all. But nope, I handled it like Angus would. Partly because the mug was kind of special and partly because I had already cleaned up a broken mug about 5 minutes prior. And partly because it's such a pain to clean messes in that corner because you have to move the couches and the table. Angus has asked me about 30 times today, "Hey Mom, you gass bote aden?" (your glass broke again) Why does he have to keep bringing it up?  

The rest of the morning didn't really improve. The childcare people had to come and get me 5 times during my workout. I'm sure that's some kind of record. But on the upside, I'm feeling lots of fitness happening in my body. And the kids seem to love it there. They wave at everyone on the way in and on the way out. People smile and say "Aaww how cute!" They would be cuter if they didn't interrupt my workout five times.

And on another happy note, Angus is totally potty trained. He even has dry pull-ups at night. Well done little man.

And on another happy note, in the battle with the laundry, I'm totally winning. I've finally surrendered to the fact that I must do at least one load every day. Every single day. I have to. There's no other way to win.

And on an even happier note, Dan comes home from a 72 hour shift tomorrow. ❤️😊


  1. Every blog of yours I read I think - best one ever! But really - this time I mean it! I'm feeling your pain on the coffee mug breaking twice. Not. Fun. Shall I bring you a new one? Or - even better maybe - can the Schallers bring the Ws dinner sometime? We love to bring dinner, and our boys, and hang out with little kids. Truly. I love for the boys to see how much work it was to raise them :), and the more spiritual reason is that we would love to encourage you guys. Maybe a Friday night sometime?

    1. Totally Shelly!! I mean chopsticks ;) haha. We'd love that <3

  2. Spilled coffee is the worst. I mean not in light of the worlds problems...but, you know. Double spilled coffee...AND two broken mugs. Dan should send you away some where.

  3. Amie, I love Love, LOVE your blogs! It's certainly a great way to keep in touch and let others know how your life is going. I always laugh and feel even closer to you, Dan, and kids. Each time you write, it feels like I'm right there with you and we are having a conversation. Please keep this going forever! Hugs to you all from the San Diego Olsons!

  4. Awe thank you Cathie!! I wish you were right here with us ❤️ We love our San Diego Olsons
