Wednesday, April 25, 2018

spills, slurpees and toothpaste etc.

The other day something out of the ordinary happened. I was able to shower, do my hair and get dressed and look like someone who put effort in to her appearance. I got it into my head that there were no pictures of me like this ever taken in the last 10 years and I really wanted my kids to have a picture of their mom that didn't look like she was annoyed and sleep deprived. So I had to take one. My Texas BFF Annie got me that cool doohickey mentioned in the previous blog that allows me to snap selfies bluetooth style. So I tried that downstairs on my way out the door... Angus happened.

So after church I went upstairs real quick and locked the door and took a quick pic while Angus banged on the door. 

Then I changed back into my mom uniform. Cut off jean shorts and a loose Tee. Hair pulled back. Flip flops on. Time to mom. Go Dodgers.

The big girls got to go see their new baby cousin last week. It's crazy to think that all of mine started out that small. 

That is Angus's bowl upside down on the floor and milk on the chair. I am so happy we have hardwood floors. I don't know how many times a day I hear Angus say "Mommy I peeeeeew!" (spilled) 
I don't think I would have had so many kids if we had carpet. And I buy a Costco supply of baby wipes. I think I've used more baby wipes to clean up messes than to actually wipe baby butts. 
And in case there is any question, Angus is wearing underwear. 

I took the girls to Target for their 1st slurpy the other day. I know. They are totally deprived. Mya couldn't even finish it. Probably because she's not used to drinking liquid sugar.

Having a tea (apple juice) party with the neighbors. I've always been super lucky to have older neighbor girls entertain my little ones. And it's crazy but they seem to enjoy it. 

I love this picture so much. This is Dan breaking the news to Addie that she's going to have to pick up her toys. She is not happy. And Winter's like, yeah I'm not helpin'. 

I went to do my rounds before bed a few nights ago. I always love to see them all four sleeping. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something. 

Angus fell asleep with a cozy skid steer on his arm.

Addie was trying to read I guess.

Winter hung a pink monkey above her head.

And Mya. Winter and Addie are afraid of the dark and Mya cannot stand nightlights so she's been sleeping with one of these on.

Product of the week: Native deodorant. Kind of pricey compared to the popular deodorants out there but it's all natural, smells devine and doesn't cause cancer or leave yellow pit stains on your shirts. Sometimes when no one is looking I take a sniff of my armpit because it smells so good. Two thumbs up. Gym tested! And they have these cute little travel sizes available.

Another helpful bit of information a friend told me about recently is this. There is an ingredient in many toothpastes called SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate) and it is linked to problems with canker sores. Read this article for more info. (It's an old article but still true) I've always had issues with canker sores and they drive me nuts so I was excited that something may help prevent them. I used to get them like once a month or so but I switched to an SLS free toothpaste and now I rarely get them. And when I do, they last for a day or so instead of a week like before. 

I didn't go with a natural toothpaste because most of them are fluoride free and I personally need the flouride because my teeth are prone to cavities. I found that the Sensodyne toothpaste they sell at Costco doesn't have SLS but it DOES have fluoride so that's what I use. 

You can always check the ingredients in your toothpaste to make sure. Please share this info with anyone you know that gets canker sores frequently. It sucks to have them. 

Happy Wednesday! ❤️

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