Wednesday, August 15, 2018

oh happy day

It's our first baby's 9th birthday today. Every time August 15 rolls around, it takes me back to that crazy delivery filled with so many scary and exciting new parent moments. It's so fun to watch her become more and more her own little human with each year. 

This year Mya wanted to have her party at Rockin' Jump. I was so happy to hear that come out of her mouth. I hate throwing parties. It gives me anxiety and I become a cranky frazzled person the weeks leading up to it. This was THE easiest party I've ever thrown. We went to Vons and she picked out cupcakes and Rockin' Jump did everything else. Even though she couldn't invite all of her friends, because that would be like 3 car payments expensive, she had an awesome time. She even made her own party favors. Edible necklaces made with peachy O's, gummy life savers and fruit loops. Addie is modeling hers below.

It's the most wonderful time of the year. It's the first day of school.

It's Addie's first day of TK. She's never been to preschool so I'm really looking forward to hearing all about how she does in a classroom setting. I'm really hoping she doesn't yell at her teacher. But I know she'll be her favorite for sure. Addie is super excited. Winter and Mya are looking forward to recess and not so much the rest.

Happy Wednesday!

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