Wednesday, October 17, 2018

appreciation and pancakes

To all the good people of the world, you don't get enough recognition. So, I wanted to take the time to personally thank you.

Thanks for putting your shopping carts away in the designated spots instead of blocking a parking spot.
Thank you for being a courteous driver, and thanks for slowing down while driving through a residential street or near a school.
Thank you for picking up that plastic baggy on the floor by the trash can and throwing it away.
Thank you for making it a point to show up on time.
Thank you for showing kindness to the mom with the annoying toddler.
Thank you for being patient and not complaining while waiting in a long line.
Thanks for taking pride in your work and doing a good job.
Thanks for re-parking your car when you notice that you're over the line.
Thanks for letting that person with two items go in front of you at the grocery store when you have a basket full.
Thanks for showing respect and kindness to everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race or political stance.
Thank you for treating others like you want to be treated. I appreciate you.

I feel like my tendency is to focus on the annoying things and not so much the good stuff; hence the thank you's above. Feel free to redirect your thoughts this week as well.

On to Wag stuff...

I picked Addie up from school one day and she was not happy. As we walked to the car she yelled, "My friend was talking to me and she SPIT on my leg!" I laughed and asked her to show me where. She angrily told me she already wiped it off. She refused to talk during the car ride, or greet her dad when we got home. She just sat down and faced the wall. This poor little girl just probably has a lot of saliva in her mouth. Hopefully Addie will forgive her or forget all about it. She is her friend after all. 

Friday, the day before it rained all day, it was nice and sunny out so I suggested a car wash. Mostly because an older grandpa looking gentleman at the school commented on all the dirty minivans in the pickup line; mine being the dirtiest. I was super offended. No need to be rude dude. Everyone was probably just waiting until after it rained to go to the car wash. Or they are just like me and cleaning their car is at the very bottom of their to do list, until their hubby politely asks if they can wash the car.... He wasn't home Friday but I'm sure he noticed the dirty van in the driveway for the last couple weeks or so. Well, now it's clean-ish, with lots of spots from the rain. The wind storm that followed Monday morning didn't help matters. But it was clean Friday evening. I'm okay with that.

I have recently discovered I am horrible at making pancakes. I purchased a costco size box of pancake mix, unfortunately. So I have to make lots of pancakes before it expires. It has been months since I bought this mix so basically I need to make 100 pancakes in the near future so it doesn't go to waste. Mya just informed me last week that she actually hates pancakes. What in the world? Why would anyone hate pancakes? Maybe it's just mine. There is actual skill involved that I did not know about. I am determined to master this skill. 

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