Wednesday, October 24, 2018

old stuff

I think I've mentioned that my mom is getting ready to sell her house. It's the house she grew up in. My grandparents bought it in the early 50's a few years after they got married. It is an old house with tons and tons of memories made by four generations. Sunday, I helped my mom go through the garage. My brother took 4 or 5 loads of crap to the Goodwill. I went through about 100 picture frame collages and removed the pictures in order to toss the frames. It was tedious but I loved looking at old photos of my family. My grandma loved pictures. She kept frames and books of all of her loved ones all over the house. Here are a few of my favorites.

1st grade Amie. I've never been good at faking a smile. I must have been irritated with the camera person. But I'm loving the 80's bangs and that dress. Oh man. 

This is me and my nephew. This is what happens when you grow up a well behaved christian girl. You go off to college and dye your hair black and get a couple of piercings because you can. It could have been worse I suppose. Still not smiling on command. Now I know where my kids get it.

Mom and Dad. So very 1980.They split up when I was little but I've always loved this picture. Looking good guys.

And Grandpa. His name was LaVelle but he went by Bob. Handsome devil wasn't he.

And here he is a few years later, dancing with me at my grandparents' 50th Wedding anniversary party. I have some awesome photos of grandma I will post some other time. I have to look for them. She was a dish.

And here's Samantha the first. There was a second Samantha that they had when I was a kid. We called her Sammy. I never thought it was weird that my grandparents kept a framed picture of their dead dog... a triple framed picture. Now, I am thinking that it was very weird.. Maybe it was a generation thing? Did people take professional photos of their dogs back then? 

We got A LOT done Sunday. Mom worked super hard going through box after box. I mostly just helped her get rid of things she didn't need. I'm not too sentimental and it helped that none of it was mine. My brother hauled it away before she could change her mind.

Mom is a devout Seventh Day Adventist. To SDA's, pork is pretty much the worst thing you can put in your body. Mom knows her bible well and believes that most of it still applies today. So, the passage about how you should throw out your pottery if it touches pork also applies to frying pans and spatulas I guess. Dan cooked some pork sausage in this poor little pan. This was early on in our marriage. He now understands how mom feels about the evil meat. I didn't know she actually threw it out. Well I guess she saved it in the garage in case Dan wanted to cook some more pork in her house? 
We put it in the donation box and left it in the labeled bag in case there were any SDA's or Jewish people wanting to know what had been cooked in it.

The other day, Angus came in the family room crying about a dump truck. I assumed Addie took his toy or something. Turns out he was watching a very disturbing Bubble Guppies episode where one of the guppies loses their toy dump truck in a giant hole in the dirt. I assured him that the episode would probably end well. Thank goodness it did. The guppies were able to rescue the toy and Angus was super relieved. He's so sensitive. And he also loves construction toys.

When I start cooking dinner, (and I use the term cooking dinner very loosely) Angus sits at the table and waits until it's ready. I always tell him it's going to be a while. Sometimes he pulls up a chair to watch and sometimes he just sits at the table until I bring him a plate of food. 

Happy Wednesday! GO DODGERS!!!!

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