Wednesday, November 28, 2018

3 5 7 9

Things are coming along at the wags. Addie turned 5 yesterday, Dan put the Christmas lights up and I found the perfect Stable I needed to go with my new nativity. Actually my mom found it. More on that later.

I wanted to share a few little ideas with you guys because I love it when people share their good ideas with me. If you have kids, these are more helpful. If you don't, sorry, skip the first two.

1. Get the littles cheap stuff. Thrift store. Dollar Tree. Five below. Who says you have to spend lots of money on your toddler? Nobody. We used to get presents for the dogs and the babies. Then we were like why? They have no idea how much stuff costs. So I officially give you permission to skip buying nice presents for your toddlers, babies and dogs.

2. Give junk food or sweets as presents. We usually have a problem with too many toys taking over downstairs so last year I bought poptarts, sugary cereals like cinnamon toast crunch and lucky charms, and caprisuns and wrapped them up and put them under the tree. They had other presents too of course. But it was perfect because they got super excited about it and it all disappeared after they ate it. If you give your kids the sugary stuff all the time, I don't know what to tell you. Mine are deprived usually. This year I'll probably do junk food too like cheetos and funyuns.  Okay those might be for me.

3. Use a different kind of wrapping paper for each person in your family. My friend Nancy told me she does this. She has 5 kids so this is super helpful for her. But I think it would be great for any number of family members. So this year so far, Angus gets Ninja Turtles and Addie gets princess wrapping. But if they were older and smarter, I would switch it up. Doing this means you don't have to write names on anything and no one knows who's gifts are who's, even Dad. Well, Mya knows because she wraps everything. She loves wrapping presents. It brings her joy. Why would I steal her joy?

4. Wall Christmas decoration - Wrap a canvas or poster board in your favorite Christmas wrapping complete with a cool ribbon/bow and hang it on the wall for decoration. I've done this before with our paintings on the wall but it's way easier with light weight stuff, not heavy picture frames. We have a giant blank space on our wall in the family room this year because of the fish tank fiasco. So that's what I'm doing.

5. Need a cheap/easy centerpiece? - get a large vase and fill it with ornaments they sell at the 99 cent store. Wrap a burlap ribbon or twine around it for a rustic look and call it a day. I also use the scraps from the Christmas tree after Dan trims it. He's a perfectionist so there are TONS of scraps. I collect pine cones from the side of the road and use them for centerpieces too. There are tons by my house. I would put candles in there but I'm not allowed to light them because I married a fireman. It's a small sacrifice I'm okay with.

So, back to my cute little teeny Addie. She barely looks 4 so it doesn't seem like she should be 5 yet but she is.

I am pancake challenged so this little guy was such a huge accomplishment. Mickey Mouse pancakes are Addie's fave so I attempted one for her birthday.

So now, for the next 3 weeks, my kids are 3,5,7 and 9. Then Winter messes it up and has a birthday and it's harder to remember their ages. 3,5,8,9. I usually just say the youngest number and the oldest number and let people figure the rest out. So if you see me before December 21st, do me a favor and ask me how old the kids are. You will see my face light up as I say with great enthusiasm, "Oooh they're 3,5,7,9!! So easy! Last year was even better, 2,4,6,8!

Dan probably won't appreciate these pics but I think it's so great that sometimes my kids play really well together. Even Angus. I worried that he would be left out of things because he wasn't one of the girls. But so far, he doesn't really see a big difference.

Barbies are big in our house right now and have been for quite some time. Angus grabs Ken and joins right in.

Mya was painting Winter and Addie's nails a few days ago. Angus ran in and yelled, "I want pink!" Mya talked him into blue.

I've always wanted a giant nativity on my mantle. It brings me peace and refocuses my frazzled brain back to the real reason for the season. My mom gave me hers since she's moving away and needs to purge a lot of her stuff. We were thrift store shopping last night and she spotted this. She told me it was the perfect size for the nativity she just gave me. It was way expensive for a thrift store, $10! But I had to have it. Don't worry, Jesus will be there soon. I'm Christmas decorating today.

There is really no way to segway into the next pic. It really should have been included with my pre-Thanksgiving blogs because I'm thankful for these jeans.

They are my most favorite pair of pants I've ever had. And possibly my favorite article of clothing of all time. I remember REALLY loving some lavender corduroy pants I had when I was 8 or so that could be a close second. 

My husband hates them. The other day, he asked, "Are you sure that look is still in?" And I receive disapproving comments from the older generations every time I wear them. I hear them ripping a little more every time I bend over or squat. They are literally falling apart. But they fit me so perfectly and they are SO very comfortable. They hug my waist tight and leave lots of room for my booty and thighs. That's really all I've ever wanted in a pair of jeans. Amaright ladies?

I wore them to a dentist appointment a few weeks ago. As I sat in the waiting room reading a food magazine, an older lady entered and sat right next to me. She laughed and said, "You're wearing those jeans that my granddaughter wears." I smiled. She continued, "I just don't understand why anyone would rip up a perfectly good pair of jeans." I said something like, "Yeah kids are crazy these days." She went on for a good 5 minutes about the distressed jeans look. Only she didn't know the word for it because she was close to 80. I wanted to hug her because she reminded me of my grandma who passed away 5 years ago but I didn't because that would be super weird and probably inappropriate. Instead I just smiled at her and nodded as she rambled.

Happy almost December to you all. I wish you a calm and peaceful season. Or if you like crazy and busy, I wish you that. ❤️💚

Saturday, November 24, 2018

bye-bye bako

This Thanksgiving was one for the books. It was a special one this year because it's probably the last time we will all spend it together. Mom's house is on the market and she is headed for Arkansas in the next few months. My sister's hubby accepted a job in Orlando, Florida and starts next month so I guess that means she's going with him pretty soon.

I spent the last few days just loving being with my family. The kids are always in heaven at the Newmyer Ranch. We took the dogs up there for the first time. I think they loved it the most. Our "backyard" is super tiny. Wendy's house is on two acres so they had TONS of room to roam.

I have learned over the years that every year brings so much change. Every year. You can't expect anything to stay the same actually, so you may as well appreciate the things you love about now and embrace the things you don't love so much. Easier said than done, I know.

As humans it is our nature to dwell in the past or the future. We are not so gifted in living in the now. The older I get, the more intentional I am about appreciating today. When the big girls were infants and toddlers I couldn't wait for them to get to the next phase, the phase of less dependence on me. But now I know that each phase comes with challenges and fun all rolled into one. And if I'm always looking ahead I'm totally going to miss the fun.

I am fully aware that these days are the days I'll look back on 20 years from now and think, man, those were the best. I know there's lots of fun ahead too though.

So it was an awesome trip all in all. I think it's hilarious that my sister lives on a property with chickens, goats, horses and a dog. To say that Wendy is not really an animal person is an understatement. When the kids ask her anything about the livestock she always replies, "I don't know, ask Mark."

Wednesday was eventful. Addie gave herself a concussion. She was riding on the red little toy Angus is sitting on below. It goes really fast on the tile floor. She fell forward and hit her chin super hard. She fell asleep on the couch right after that so I woke her up and then she puked. We debated on taking her to the hospital but she quickly improved. Dan was on the phone for a while with his BFF who has been an ER nurse for like 20 years. We call him pretty often for things like that. And Dan's a medic so that helps too.

Then, after Winter rode the horse, she was helping with the saddle and stuff and the horse stepped on her foot. My brother pushed the horse off somehow. Her foot was sore for a while but nothing looked broken. She was running around the next day.

I haven't seen our 14 year old dog Twitch run in about two years. He ran the whole time he was up there. Mostly chasing the chickens. Now he can barely walk, poor guy. We have some pain meds for his joints we'll be giving him for a few days. I'm sure he doesn't regret it one bit.

Angus ran around a lot too.

And so did Otter. She mostly played fetch with anyone who would throw the ball. She is scared of most things, including chickens.

It was fun hanging out with my little bro Michael. He's the only one who's not moving away to another state. Thanks Mike. 

Winter begs me for a horse weekly. She says we can keep it in the backyard and she can ride it around the streets of Azusa. She plans on moving up to take over this property when she's old enough she says. She got up on the giant animal and hugged it and said, I love you! 

Large unpredictable things intimidate me like the ocean and horses. I'm more of a bungee jumping, roller coaster riding gal. You know, man made thrills. The last horse I rode was too fat and lazy to buck me off so he was perfect. I didn't really feel the need to ride this guy but I did say hello.

On the way to Bakersfield, Winter looked out the window and said, "I cannot wait to hug those chickens." 

Mya is pretty much the perfect child because she asks how she can help like 100 times a day. She contributed lots to the Thanksgiving meal. She actually didn't do this one. I just made her pose next to it so it didn't look so boring. 

Winter was ecstatic when Daisy the little dog came to her and sat in her lap. It was a first. She usually runs away from her.

My cousin's family was there too. They brought their too adorable for words child. She made this face at me, so I made it back. I assume that's why Mya's looking at me like that. The big girls fought over the baby. Mya has decided that she will probably have a kid or two after hanging out with this one. She was on the fence before. She is way cute.

The kids are going to miss their uncle Mark so much!

Mom and I love to walk through the almond trees. We came across this neighbor animal on our way. We weren't one hundred percent sure what animal it was. We agreed it was probably a bull. We'd make lousy farmers.

Such a fun group. Lots of laughs and lots of noise.

And just like that, it was time to head home. We packed 6 people and two dogs in one stinky car. Totally worth it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


In the spirit of Thanksgiving and Thankfulness, I'm thankful for my microwave timer. I use it for cooking things in the oven sometimes but most of the time I use it when I put a kid in time out. 

I set a timer because I forget I’ve put them in time out every single time. Especially if I put them in another room because let’s be honest, they’re doing something to make me mad and I don’t really want them close to me. They get 5 or 10 minutes depending on whether or not it’s the first or second offense. I set timers daily and yet, every time that timer goes off I think, wait, why is my timer going off? Every single time. But then I remember and tell the timeouter they can get up, like I haven’t completely forgotten my responsibilities as a disciplinarian. So yeah, thankful for my timer. 

Mya busted this out after watching a YouTube video WHAT?! Amazing.

And speaking of hair. She always looks like this when I go check on her at night. I can't stand it. I have to get it all out of her face immediately even though her unconscious self doesn't give a hoot. 

 When we're at home, this is where you will find him most of the time.

These are his favorite shoes right now. He calls them his cowgirl boots. Not sure why. It could have something to do with the fact that he doesn't have any brothers...

I let Winter put tattoos all over her face and body because the kids are out of school for a week so why not. She talked Addie into letting her put this giant gold one on her neck. She immediately regretted it. I think her exact words were,  "I wish I didn't get this tattoo." I'll remind her of this in 13 years when she's about to turn 18.

We went to visit Dad at the fire station Saturday. We haven't been out there in a while. I think last time we went, Angus wasn't really into all the trucks like he is these days. The kids had the best time learning about what Dan does all day. It's work to him but it's soooo much fun for them. They even got to check out some of the city vehicles kept on the property like the forklift and the bobcat.

Happy Thanksgiving week! 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

stay calm

I try to post on the blog on Wednesdays because Wagenbrenner Wednesdays sounds good. However, it's hard for me to work with a deadline. So, from now on it will be Wagenbrenner whatever day I want. I think that sounds better. 

We are in the calm before the storm of the holiday season right now. The thought of everything I have to get done and check off the giant list of birthdays, christmas parties, gifts, school performances etc. is overwhelming to say the least. But I'm determined to remain calm and not freak out. I'm trying to be super intentional about only doing what is best for our family this December. Some of my favorite get togethers and traditions happen next month so there is a lot of good that comes with the crazy too. 

I really want to focus on getting my kids to think of others during this time of year instead of everything they want for Christmas and their birthdays. We'll see how that goes. 

Addie is obsessed with baby Jesus. She loves reading the story of His birth all year long and she LOVES the little nativity we put up every year. She even plays baby Jesus with Angus. They take turns being Jesus. Mya is not okay with it because she says it is extremely disrespectful to Jesus. I think Jesus loves it.  

I brought home a little figurine of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus from my mom's recently. Addie found it and squealed with joy. I told her we could put it up on the mantle where we could see it since Christmas decorating time is almost here. It's breakable so I really didn't want her playing with it. She reluctantly obeyed and put it on the mantle. The next day I went out back to fill the dog's water bowl and found this little scene. The temptation was just too much for her.

Soccer season is over. It was fun watching the girls play and I also enjoyed hanging out with the other families during practices and games. I watched the girls take their pictures so I wasn't surprised at all when I got them back. 

She was mad because I told her we needed to take her soccer picture before she could go play on the swings. I appreciate the fact that I always know how Addie is feeling. 

When she came inside from playing Friday afternoon she was crying because our 4 year old neighbor friend Carter was playing with her blue spiky ball. She wanted it back but her dad made her share it with him. She really does love that thing for some reason. After she sat on my lap for a few minutes and whimpered, she yelled, "I’m not even gonna marry Carter now!!!" I didn’t know they were engaged. Or maybe she was considering him for a spouse?

We went to visit the Higerds over the long weekend. Winter is always in heaven when we go down there with all the animals including this bunny below, a tortoise, birds, a cat, a snake and a lizard.

Angus is still kind of obsessed with me. He's rarely very far away. He's watching me blow dry my hair in this picture. Sounds pretty boring to me, but he's fascinated. This is the never ending stack of clean laundry that usually shares the bed with me when Dan works.

Addie had pink eye so I kept her home Tuesday. Dan and I took the littles with us to Costco. I always forget sweatshirts for the kids. It's freezing in there. 

It looked like the pink eye cleared up Wednesday so I sent her back to school. They sent her home Thursday morning so we went to the doctor. She made sure everyone there knew that mommy promised no shots. She told the front desk lady, the nurse and the doctor, "I'm not getting shots today because I just have a pink eye, see?" The doctor looked at her eyes and ears and throat etc. While checking her ears, he said something about seeing Minnie Mouse in there like he usually does. She told him he should say that he sees a T-rex next time because that's actually her favorite, not Minnie Mouse. And then they had a conversation about dinosaurs that ended in Addie singing her favorite dinosaur song complete with hand motions and stomping which I'm sure the doctor was dying to hear. He seemed pretty amused actually.

Turns out she has viral pink eye which means she can go to school since there are no symptoms. This is all new info to me. So we got our stickers (Angus tried not to cry because they were out of paw patrol ones), we got our note and we were on our way. 

I should include more pictures of my husband at work. This may be the first one I've actually posted on the blog. I'll try to be better about that. One engine from his department went out to help with the fire in Malibu. Dan wasn't working that day so he's at work, running calls in the city, thank the Lord. I hate those wildfires. Engine 91 got called to a "train fire" but turns out it was just overheated brakes. Passengers were not happy with the delay but the guys were excited to work on the train. They don't get to do that kind of thing very often. That's Engineer Wag on the left. 

Speaking of excitement, I picked up our advent calendars at Trader Joes this week. In my opinion, they are the deal of the century. A month of joy for 99 cents a piece? Yes please! I'm all about lots of joy for minimal effort and cost. Maximum effort and cost being Disneyland. Minimum being 24 days of milk chocolate for 99 cents. Everyone wins. Even anti-candy Dan is on board with this one. My mom used to buy one that we all had to take turns opening. I splurged and got four.