Wednesday, November 28, 2018

3 5 7 9

Things are coming along at the wags. Addie turned 5 yesterday, Dan put the Christmas lights up and I found the perfect Stable I needed to go with my new nativity. Actually my mom found it. More on that later.

I wanted to share a few little ideas with you guys because I love it when people share their good ideas with me. If you have kids, these are more helpful. If you don't, sorry, skip the first two.

1. Get the littles cheap stuff. Thrift store. Dollar Tree. Five below. Who says you have to spend lots of money on your toddler? Nobody. We used to get presents for the dogs and the babies. Then we were like why? They have no idea how much stuff costs. So I officially give you permission to skip buying nice presents for your toddlers, babies and dogs.

2. Give junk food or sweets as presents. We usually have a problem with too many toys taking over downstairs so last year I bought poptarts, sugary cereals like cinnamon toast crunch and lucky charms, and caprisuns and wrapped them up and put them under the tree. They had other presents too of course. But it was perfect because they got super excited about it and it all disappeared after they ate it. If you give your kids the sugary stuff all the time, I don't know what to tell you. Mine are deprived usually. This year I'll probably do junk food too like cheetos and funyuns.  Okay those might be for me.

3. Use a different kind of wrapping paper for each person in your family. My friend Nancy told me she does this. She has 5 kids so this is super helpful for her. But I think it would be great for any number of family members. So this year so far, Angus gets Ninja Turtles and Addie gets princess wrapping. But if they were older and smarter, I would switch it up. Doing this means you don't have to write names on anything and no one knows who's gifts are who's, even Dad. Well, Mya knows because she wraps everything. She loves wrapping presents. It brings her joy. Why would I steal her joy?

4. Wall Christmas decoration - Wrap a canvas or poster board in your favorite Christmas wrapping complete with a cool ribbon/bow and hang it on the wall for decoration. I've done this before with our paintings on the wall but it's way easier with light weight stuff, not heavy picture frames. We have a giant blank space on our wall in the family room this year because of the fish tank fiasco. So that's what I'm doing.

5. Need a cheap/easy centerpiece? - get a large vase and fill it with ornaments they sell at the 99 cent store. Wrap a burlap ribbon or twine around it for a rustic look and call it a day. I also use the scraps from the Christmas tree after Dan trims it. He's a perfectionist so there are TONS of scraps. I collect pine cones from the side of the road and use them for centerpieces too. There are tons by my house. I would put candles in there but I'm not allowed to light them because I married a fireman. It's a small sacrifice I'm okay with.

So, back to my cute little teeny Addie. She barely looks 4 so it doesn't seem like she should be 5 yet but she is.

I am pancake challenged so this little guy was such a huge accomplishment. Mickey Mouse pancakes are Addie's fave so I attempted one for her birthday.

So now, for the next 3 weeks, my kids are 3,5,7 and 9. Then Winter messes it up and has a birthday and it's harder to remember their ages. 3,5,8,9. I usually just say the youngest number and the oldest number and let people figure the rest out. So if you see me before December 21st, do me a favor and ask me how old the kids are. You will see my face light up as I say with great enthusiasm, "Oooh they're 3,5,7,9!! So easy! Last year was even better, 2,4,6,8!

Dan probably won't appreciate these pics but I think it's so great that sometimes my kids play really well together. Even Angus. I worried that he would be left out of things because he wasn't one of the girls. But so far, he doesn't really see a big difference.

Barbies are big in our house right now and have been for quite some time. Angus grabs Ken and joins right in.

Mya was painting Winter and Addie's nails a few days ago. Angus ran in and yelled, "I want pink!" Mya talked him into blue.

I've always wanted a giant nativity on my mantle. It brings me peace and refocuses my frazzled brain back to the real reason for the season. My mom gave me hers since she's moving away and needs to purge a lot of her stuff. We were thrift store shopping last night and she spotted this. She told me it was the perfect size for the nativity she just gave me. It was way expensive for a thrift store, $10! But I had to have it. Don't worry, Jesus will be there soon. I'm Christmas decorating today.

There is really no way to segway into the next pic. It really should have been included with my pre-Thanksgiving blogs because I'm thankful for these jeans.

They are my most favorite pair of pants I've ever had. And possibly my favorite article of clothing of all time. I remember REALLY loving some lavender corduroy pants I had when I was 8 or so that could be a close second. 

My husband hates them. The other day, he asked, "Are you sure that look is still in?" And I receive disapproving comments from the older generations every time I wear them. I hear them ripping a little more every time I bend over or squat. They are literally falling apart. But they fit me so perfectly and they are SO very comfortable. They hug my waist tight and leave lots of room for my booty and thighs. That's really all I've ever wanted in a pair of jeans. Amaright ladies?

I wore them to a dentist appointment a few weeks ago. As I sat in the waiting room reading a food magazine, an older lady entered and sat right next to me. She laughed and said, "You're wearing those jeans that my granddaughter wears." I smiled. She continued, "I just don't understand why anyone would rip up a perfectly good pair of jeans." I said something like, "Yeah kids are crazy these days." She went on for a good 5 minutes about the distressed jeans look. Only she didn't know the word for it because she was close to 80. I wanted to hug her because she reminded me of my grandma who passed away 5 years ago but I didn't because that would be super weird and probably inappropriate. Instead I just smiled at her and nodded as she rambled.

Happy almost December to you all. I wish you a calm and peaceful season. Or if you like crazy and busy, I wish you that. ❤️💚

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