Thursday, November 1, 2018

dirt, weddings, babies and costumes

Warning: This is kind of a long post...

Let's have a moment of silence for the Dodgers' 2nd World Series loss in a row. I think The Red Sox are a superhuman team with a bunch of Babe Ruths so yeah, our boys in blue gave it their best. Maybe next year guys.

Not sure what happened to October but all of a sudden it's November and time has sped up 3 times faster than it was before, and the calendar is full and I'm just trying to breathe. Yoga helps. Angus calls it yoda.

Anyway, I think all moms with littles should be part of some sort of mom group. I still learn so much when I sit down with a group of moms and talk about our journey on this crazy mom road. It's pretty much a mom support group. Moms anonymous. Only no one would go if it was called that, I don't think.

During one of our meetings, we were talking about how we all have strengths and weaknesses as moms. We were instructed to think of a strength and write it down. It took me a minute or two because it's way easier to think of areas where I'm lacking. But eventually I did come up with one.

I'm good at singing and dancing in the kitchen. I know that doesn't sound like a mom skill but it totally is. When I turn music on and start dancing and singing loudly the kids love it. They love to see their mom be silly when so often I'm serious and stern with them. I turn on annoying pop music that Dan hates when he's at work so I don't hurt his ears. Some of my favorites to crank up these days are Handclap by Fitz and the Tantrums, Groove Is In The Heart by Deee-Lite, (Try not to dance to that song. It's impossible) No Excuses by Meghan Trainor and Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay. Mya can only hear a song about 10 times before she's sick of it so I'm sure I'll move on to another list of faves next week.

This week was kind of a blur with Halloween activities but we survived and candy is everywhere. Dan worked this year so there are not any pictures of him.

Angus's highlight of the week:

I have been nagging Dan to make a dirt spot where Angus can play with his trucks. Angus begs me daily for some "road" for his trucks. That's what he calls dirt. And because Dan is the amazing husband he is, he always eventually does what I ask him to, even if he doesn't want to. He built a little wooden frame box type thing and filled it with dirt. Look how happy he is.

The girls had me laughing so hard this week. My mom let them have her only Ken doll since she's cleaning out all the toys in her house. So of course they had to have a Barbie wedding. Let me set the scene for you. Barbie and Jack Frost (not sure why they picked that name) are having a wedding. Mya kept calling it a funeral for some reason.

Mya: I'm so excited about the funeral!
Me: Why...?
Mya: Because Barbie's getting married!
Me: Ummm do you know what a funeral is?
Mya: I forget, what is it again?
Me: You have a funeral when someone dies. It's a celebration of their life.
Mya: Oh yeah, that's right.

I think she was confusing the word ceremony with the word funeral. That's my guess.

Here is Jack Frost taking a potty break before the ceremony. Wedding jitters I guess. I love that they pulled his pants down for him.

So Barbie and Jack are having a typical wedding with music (Winter singing) and vows performed by Mya. And I got the job of videographer. But there's a plot twist. See if you can catch what it is...

Surprise! The wedding is also the birth of Barbie and Jack's first baby, Mr. Handsome. Didn't see that coming did you? 

Speaking of Mr. Handsome, have you ever seen a cuter firefighter? Trunk or Treat was Saturday. Dan made the axe. Well I helped. I painted the handle brown. Pretty good. He's been playing with it all week so when it came time to actually carry it with his costume he was over it. I carried it. And his hat. And his bucket. But man, so cute. The older the kids get, the more on top of life I feel. I'm not even close to being where I need to be. (Is anyone?) But I'm definitely making giant strides. For instance, I had all four costumes complete with masks and axes ready to go two weeks ago. Last year we were still looking for costumes the day of Trunk or Treat. Big progress. 

Angus's favorite trunk was the construction one where everyone dressed up as a construction worker and there was caution tape and signs all over it. A very close second was a group of beautiful princesses performing Disney songs. He was mesmerized. I had to tear him away.

I noticed the next day that I pinned Mya's angel wings on upside down. I'm sure no one noticed. I'll be sure to get it right for Halloween.

Mari and the fam came up for the occasion. I miss this crazy bunch. The insanity and chaos of them all together brings me so much joy. 

I kind of have a love hate relationship with most holidays. I'm sure I'm not alone. The kids love it and there are always cute pictures afterward. But the work that goes into it is just more than I have in me. 

As I type, I have a sore throat and I'm totally wiped. Because that's what happens. My body is like, Amie, that was too much work for you. It's fine. I'll be okay. 

I actually thought Halloween morning was going to run smooth-ish. I don't know why. I figured everyone would just put on their costumes and we would head out to the school parade. No lunches needed since it was an early out day. I even put the canned goods the kids were supposed to bring in a bag by the door.

But no way. I had to do Winter's nose and whiskers (for when she didn't feel like wearing her mask), convince Addie to wear her Rainbow Dash costume even though she really didn't want to because it was too itchy, find Angus's fireman costume because even though he doesn't go to school, there was no way he was leaving the house dressed in regular clothes, and I didn't have the time or energy to explain to him why he didn't need a costume. His hat, boots, pants and jacket were all in different rooms of the house of course. 

Mya walked up to me while I was doing Winter's make-up to show me that her halo headband had snapped in half by itself in the middle of the night. My calm and rational response was, "Well you can't be an angel without a halo so you're just going to have to find another costume in the costume box! You have 10 minutes before we have to leave!" She replied, "Ummm can't we just attach the halo wire to a hair clip or something?" I nodded and she found a clip and I was able to attach it in 30 seconds. But then she put her angel gown on and it had several stains right down the front. Even more frazzled, I said, "Well you can't wear a stained gown so you're just going to have to find another costume! You have 5 minutes! What about the bee costume? That one is cute." To which she replied calmly, "Ummm why don't I just put this white feather boa around my neck and it will totally hide the stains." I nodded again. "Yeah that works." 

I'm thankful for Mya. Even if who she is has nothing to do with the way I've raised her, she makes me feel like I've done something right amongst all the parenting screw ups I've made. She was an angel for Halloween because she loves God. I mean come on. She's turning out okay. 

So we arrived at school in the nick of time and of course I forgot the canned goods at home. They are still by the door as a matter of fact. I should bring them to school today... I thoroughly enjoyed the little parade even though I was a sweaty frazzled mess of a mom. The girls looked adorable and Angus loved seeing all the different costumes including several fellow firefighters. One little boy dressed in the same costume as Angus angrily yelled, "Hey that's mine!" 

Halloween festivities continued after I picked the kids up from school. I took them to Downtown Glendora to get more candy. My plan this year was to get as much candy before Halloween as I could so that I didn't have to buy any candy to give out to trick-or-treaters. I did donate a big bag of candy to the trunk or treat so I'm not a totally horrible person. We're just on a budget, and I'm doing so good!

Anywho, we went to get more free candy which wasn't a great idea because it was hot and the kids were starving because they didn't have lunch at school and we had to walk a lot and Angus made me hold him the entire time. He's like 40 pounds. So again, I was a sweaty frazzled mess by the time we got home. But we had tons of candy for the trick-or-treaters. 

We had a Halloween hangout in my neighborhood so I decorated the garage door with stuff from the dollar store so people could take pictures. It turned out super cute actually. And I made a Halloween playlist to listen to while I decorated. I've never really been a fan of Halloween but this year was fun, despite my morning and carrying my giant baby for an hour.

Winter went trick-or-treating with the neighbors because she could not wait another second for her sisters to get their acts together. Angus fell asleep so I took Addie and Mya. Addie quit halfway around the neighborhood. I found out later that Winter dressed one of her dolls up like a unicorn and took two buckets, one for her and one for her doll, and convinced people to give her twice as much candy. Pretty smart.

On to the next holiday, Thanksgiving! 😊 We are planning on going to Bakersfield to see my wonderful sister and her wonderful family. I'm super excited.

Happy November!

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