Tuesday, November 20, 2018


In the spirit of Thanksgiving and Thankfulness, I'm thankful for my microwave timer. I use it for cooking things in the oven sometimes but most of the time I use it when I put a kid in time out. 

I set a timer because I forget I’ve put them in time out every single time. Especially if I put them in another room because let’s be honest, they’re doing something to make me mad and I don’t really want them close to me. They get 5 or 10 minutes depending on whether or not it’s the first or second offense. I set timers daily and yet, every time that timer goes off I think, wait, why is my timer going off? Every single time. But then I remember and tell the timeouter they can get up, like I haven’t completely forgotten my responsibilities as a disciplinarian. So yeah, thankful for my timer. 

Mya busted this out after watching a YouTube video WHAT?! Amazing.

And speaking of hair. She always looks like this when I go check on her at night. I can't stand it. I have to get it all out of her face immediately even though her unconscious self doesn't give a hoot. 

 When we're at home, this is where you will find him most of the time.

These are his favorite shoes right now. He calls them his cowgirl boots. Not sure why. It could have something to do with the fact that he doesn't have any brothers...

I let Winter put tattoos all over her face and body because the kids are out of school for a week so why not. She talked Addie into letting her put this giant gold one on her neck. She immediately regretted it. I think her exact words were,  "I wish I didn't get this tattoo." I'll remind her of this in 13 years when she's about to turn 18.

We went to visit Dad at the fire station Saturday. We haven't been out there in a while. I think last time we went, Angus wasn't really into all the trucks like he is these days. The kids had the best time learning about what Dan does all day. It's work to him but it's soooo much fun for them. They even got to check out some of the city vehicles kept on the property like the forklift and the bobcat.

Happy Thanksgiving week! 

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