Thursday, November 15, 2018

stay calm

I try to post on the blog on Wednesdays because Wagenbrenner Wednesdays sounds good. However, it's hard for me to work with a deadline. So, from now on it will be Wagenbrenner whatever day I want. I think that sounds better. 

We are in the calm before the storm of the holiday season right now. The thought of everything I have to get done and check off the giant list of birthdays, christmas parties, gifts, school performances etc. is overwhelming to say the least. But I'm determined to remain calm and not freak out. I'm trying to be super intentional about only doing what is best for our family this December. Some of my favorite get togethers and traditions happen next month so there is a lot of good that comes with the crazy too. 

I really want to focus on getting my kids to think of others during this time of year instead of everything they want for Christmas and their birthdays. We'll see how that goes. 

Addie is obsessed with baby Jesus. She loves reading the story of His birth all year long and she LOVES the little nativity we put up every year. She even plays baby Jesus with Angus. They take turns being Jesus. Mya is not okay with it because she says it is extremely disrespectful to Jesus. I think Jesus loves it.  

I brought home a little figurine of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus from my mom's recently. Addie found it and squealed with joy. I told her we could put it up on the mantle where we could see it since Christmas decorating time is almost here. It's breakable so I really didn't want her playing with it. She reluctantly obeyed and put it on the mantle. The next day I went out back to fill the dog's water bowl and found this little scene. The temptation was just too much for her.

Soccer season is over. It was fun watching the girls play and I also enjoyed hanging out with the other families during practices and games. I watched the girls take their pictures so I wasn't surprised at all when I got them back. 

She was mad because I told her we needed to take her soccer picture before she could go play on the swings. I appreciate the fact that I always know how Addie is feeling. 

When she came inside from playing Friday afternoon she was crying because our 4 year old neighbor friend Carter was playing with her blue spiky ball. She wanted it back but her dad made her share it with him. She really does love that thing for some reason. After she sat on my lap for a few minutes and whimpered, she yelled, "I’m not even gonna marry Carter now!!!" I didn’t know they were engaged. Or maybe she was considering him for a spouse?

We went to visit the Higerds over the long weekend. Winter is always in heaven when we go down there with all the animals including this bunny below, a tortoise, birds, a cat, a snake and a lizard.

Angus is still kind of obsessed with me. He's rarely very far away. He's watching me blow dry my hair in this picture. Sounds pretty boring to me, but he's fascinated. This is the never ending stack of clean laundry that usually shares the bed with me when Dan works.

Addie had pink eye so I kept her home Tuesday. Dan and I took the littles with us to Costco. I always forget sweatshirts for the kids. It's freezing in there. 

It looked like the pink eye cleared up Wednesday so I sent her back to school. They sent her home Thursday morning so we went to the doctor. She made sure everyone there knew that mommy promised no shots. She told the front desk lady, the nurse and the doctor, "I'm not getting shots today because I just have a pink eye, see?" The doctor looked at her eyes and ears and throat etc. While checking her ears, he said something about seeing Minnie Mouse in there like he usually does. She told him he should say that he sees a T-rex next time because that's actually her favorite, not Minnie Mouse. And then they had a conversation about dinosaurs that ended in Addie singing her favorite dinosaur song complete with hand motions and stomping which I'm sure the doctor was dying to hear. He seemed pretty amused actually.

Turns out she has viral pink eye which means she can go to school since there are no symptoms. This is all new info to me. So we got our stickers (Angus tried not to cry because they were out of paw patrol ones), we got our note and we were on our way. 

I should include more pictures of my husband at work. This may be the first one I've actually posted on the blog. I'll try to be better about that. One engine from his department went out to help with the fire in Malibu. Dan wasn't working that day so he's at work, running calls in the city, thank the Lord. I hate those wildfires. Engine 91 got called to a "train fire" but turns out it was just overheated brakes. Passengers were not happy with the delay but the guys were excited to work on the train. They don't get to do that kind of thing very often. That's Engineer Wag on the left. 

Speaking of excitement, I picked up our advent calendars at Trader Joes this week. In my opinion, they are the deal of the century. A month of joy for 99 cents a piece? Yes please! I'm all about lots of joy for minimal effort and cost. Maximum effort and cost being Disneyland. Minimum being 24 days of milk chocolate for 99 cents. Everyone wins. Even anti-candy Dan is on board with this one. My mom used to buy one that we all had to take turns opening. I splurged and got four.

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