Tuesday, August 13, 2019

bs...before school

Before we enter the world of structure and bedtimes, I thought I'd do one last post. We went to the beach over a week ago to visit our Higerd friends. It was a few days before we went camping. 

We were missing three big girls so we definitely felt like we were traveling light. 


Angus: Look mommy I'm a princess!
James: No Angus.

Secure in his manhood.

Back at home, Angus's Mickey Mouse squishy broke in half.
Addie: (watching Angus melt down) If I was his mommy, I would go to the store and buy him another one.

Winter's drawing of Addie. It's pretty accurate. She's pretty much just in her undies day and night. I make her change them of course.

"Mommy look! I have my privacy!"

Addie and Angus love Paw Patrol. So I picked up some new shoes at Target for her. I thought she would be super excited.

Addie: I do NOT like these. The faces are SO bad.
Angus: I want them!!

The next day she decided to keep them because they light up. 

Dan's almost done remodeling our kitchen! It's looking pretty amazing and I'm super proud of his handy work. It's going to look awesome. Here's how our sidewalk looks at the moment... slightly whiskey tango. Is that PC?

When no one is upstairs Angus sneaks into Winter and Addie's room to play with their barbies. He's not allowed to touch them. For the record, he likes tools and trucks and being manly too. He's just well rounded.

As a kid, when my sister wasn't around, I got to sit up front with mom. Any time she'd stop fast she'd hold out her right arm in front of me just in case I flew out of my seat toward the windshield or something. I always thought she was crazy since I wore a seat belt and it's sole purpose was to hold me in the seat and prevent me from flying toward the windshield. And it wasn't like she ever slammed on her breaks. She just stopped a little bit harder than usual. 

Now that Mya sits up front every once in a while when it's just us two driving around town, what do I do when I stop fast? I hold out my arm to protect her. And she thinks I'm a little crazy.

Mya has been waking up about once a week looking like this. I was thinking she was allergic to something in her bed like detergent or sunscreen from the day, or a dirty blanket that she carries around the house with her, or maybe dog hair. I took her to the doctor and she gathered that she has seasonal allergies that have caused a sinus infection. So she is on antibiotics and allergy meds until it clears up. 

The same day we went to the doctor, Mya celebrated her birthday with her church besties. I am so very thankful for these sweethearts. She hasn't had much luck with friends at school. It was kind of a rough year last year. But these girls have been like sisters and are always excited to see her and hug her and always make her feel loved.

Mya wanted a fancy girly party with make-up and nail painting. I told her we could do a small party if that was on the itinerary. I could just see the madness of nail polish and eye shadow flying all over the place. So she agreed. We went to the 99 cent store and went nuts.

They loved it. Nobody knew what they were doing at all. It started off by one young lady yelling, OW MY EYE! She quickly recovered. And I didn't help them unless they asked. It was very amusing. 

We used about 1000 make-up remover wipes and spilled the nail polish remover about 10 times.

And Mya decided to go for a very unique look.

She doesn't like cake so we did chocolate covered strawberries and ice cream sandwiches.

Pool time...

And Jacuzzi time.

Happiest birthday my sweet delightfully odd Mya! 🧡

The day after Mya's party Winter let me know that the little plastic backing of her earring somehow made it's way inside of her earlobe through her little earring hole. We couldn't get it out.  It seriously never ends with these kids. I knew it wasn't going to be a good experience but we needed professional help. I assumed a doctor would have to numb the area and go in with some sort of tool. Winter HATES needles and avoids them at all costs. She would rather have a little piece of plastic in her ear for the rest of her life and wear one earring than have a needle enter any part of her body. 

I bribed her with a trip to the Habit and she agreed to go. I knew it wouldn't be easy when we actually got to Urgent Care. I sent out a text to everyone in my small group at church and requested prayer. I knew I'd need extra help. 

Every time that doctor walked over to her she backed away and said, "Wait wait wait, stop!" After about 10 tries the patient doc said he was going to have to call a nurse in to help hold her down. After the large not so friendly looking nurse came in, she agreed to cooperate. Then she yelled, "WHY CAN'T THIS BE MYAAAA?!" 

 Through tears and pain, she let the doctor numb her earlobe. Then it was pretty easy to get the little trouble making plastic piece out. This is her post trauma smile. The habit tasted better than ever because it was well earned.

School starts tomorrow! Bless you teachers. 
I love and appreciate you more than you'll ever know. ❤️

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