Thursday, August 29, 2019

texas fam

I'm way behind on life in general right now but it's temporary. It's not a personality thing, it's a circumstance thing. I plan on being very on top of everything this year. But these days my mom is FINALLY in escrow so I've been helping her pack up 65 years of stuff, and then go back home and do the mom thing without a kitchen. We use the bathroom sink to wash dishes and the house has been a little rearranged and not super user friendly. We're managing pretty well I think, but we're all looking forward to having our house back.

My bro's family in Texas (minus my bro) came to visit SoCal last weekend! There were lots of my mom's grandkids in one place so that was super fun for all. And we got to enjoy the pool one last time before the new owners move in. That was happy and sad. The next blog post will be all about how much this house means to me and a few memories that stick out.

Avery's face to the right of Angus is perfection. 

She's just the cutest mom ever.

"I kinda look like a police officer." 
(but not really)

Mya asked for this realistic baby doll for her birthday. People stop her all the time and tell her they thought it was a real baby which makes her super happy. 

The shirt Addie is wearing used to be Mya's. Mya was Addie's age when Angus was born and that's kind of crazy. Addie says she's either going to be a firefighter lady or a ballet teacher. She can't decide. Angus appreciates firefighters but he's dead set on being a police officer. He yells at me all the time for not fully stopping at all the stop signs. I tried to convince him that it's complicated and I stop at the important ones but that just made him mad.

Angus begged me to take him with me to Mya's appointment with the foot doctor. Her plantar wart is coming back ugh. I told him it would be super boring and he would hate it but he really wanted to go and I felt bad that he hasn't been out of the house much lately so I brought him. 

We both very much regretted my decision 5 minutes after we arrived.

I haven't been able to do any school stuff with Angus yet. But he did color all over himself with a marker so that counts right?

I found these at Costco. They got me with the sample. They're really tasty. Just whole wheat pita bread, chicken and cheese. And some sort of delicious sauce. You're supposed to microwave them but we use the toaster oven and they come out a little crunchy on the outside which we like. Two thumbs up.

Happy whatever day it is!

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