Wednesday, August 21, 2019


A few days ago, I was at the bank. The guy in front of me was being a giant jerk because the lady helping him couldn't do what he wanted her to do. So he threw a grown up hissy fit and left. I didn't say anything to him because I'm non-confrontational by nature and I had kids with me and you never know what people are going to do these days. The young lady was so rattled that she had to excuse herself for a minute. I encouraged her by telling her what I thought of the dumb guy, and how sorry I was that she had to deal with that, and that she handled him very well. 

She appreciated my kind words and I thought to myself, man I'm glad I only have to work with 4 children every day. I used to have to go to work and deal with all kinds of crazy rude angry people on a daily basis in the fun land of customer service. Sometimes I would drive home in tears out of frustration with conversations I'd had that day. I don't have to do that anymore. So that's my thankful thing this week. I forget sometimes that I get to stay home with my kids. I don't have to, I get to. My hardworking hubby provides for our family financially and I get to be at home with them. And that's a privilege that not many get.

The girls are back in school and doing great. They'd all rather be home playing of course but they're happy with their teachers and friends. Well except Addie. She misses her TK teacher and doesn't like the fact that she has all these new students she doesn't know in her class. She came home and said, "I want to make lots of friends like I did last year but I forgot how I did that!" She likes her new teacher though. In my opinion, all Kindergarten teachers are wonderful. They have to be. It's a prerequisite.

Kids are such interesting creatures. They have no filters, no embarrassment, no shame. They just do what they do. Especially at home. And it's awesome. They are constantly making me laugh, unintentionally of course.

They say funny things like, "Don't play with that cord Addie! You could get electrokilled!" -Winter

And "Ow mommy my ankle hurts."
Elbow/ankle, same same.

They leave things in your bed that don't make sense, like tongs and barbies.

They watch themselves eating snacks in the mirror.

They say things like "Mom. Take a picture of my throwupping face. Ready?"

They draw tiger stripes on their pants with pen.

They pretty much say and do whatever they want.

This is Lilah the cat. She's winking.

This past week has been awesome of course. Because school started! Woot! Everyone has a good friend in class with them. Mya started school thinking she wouldn't have any friends, and then a neighbor friend who moved away recently switched schools and ended up sitting next to her. They were both ecstatic. She had a birthday which I'm sure you saw on FB. This is my fave Mya pic of all time. Back then I worried that she would have a life long struggle with her weight. I didn't fully appreciate the rolls and I so wish I would have. She's 10 and skinny now. And I can't really squeeze her chubby thighs anymore. That would probably be weird for her.

It's just me and this guy now. And he couldn't be happier. I've decided to keep him home instead of sending him to preschool a few days a week for just a few hundred bucks a month. No thanks. I think I can teach him his letters. Or YouTube can. 

We went to see The Lion King which happens to be my favorite Disney Movie. I know the soundtrack pretty well and I like to amaze the kids with my ability to sing all the songs word for word. They aren't super impressed. More like confused.

Anyway, I've been really wanting to take the girls to see it since Winter and Addie play lions and tigers all the time and they're kind of obsessed with jungle cats. Mya is always up for anything. So we went. One of them may have been grounded but I conveniently un-grounded her for two hours. We all loved it. I kept having to remind Addie that Simba doesn't die. She's seen the original but she got really into it. We stopped at Target first to pick one drink and one snack each for the movie. I'm sure I saved like $100 not buying at the concession stand. Is it still called that?

On Sunday, our church prayed for the new school year for the kids and teachers in August. I love that they do this every year.

Mya had a homework assignment the first day of school from her language arts teacher. It seemed soon to be assigning homework, but I loved it so I had to share it of course. Her assignment was to write 3 paragraphs about her, her family, her hobbies and strengths and weaknesses, in a nutshell. 

I took pics but they're hard to read so here you go:

Hi Mr. Gomez, My name is Mya Wagenbrenner. You pronounce it as my-a. My uncle calls me my a favorite niece. If you want you can call me mya favorite student, but you don't need to call me that because there is about 30 students in our homeroom and I don't want them to be jealous. It was nice meeting you yesterday. 

I am the oldest in my family out of the kids. My mom has 4 kids and a husband and we are a family of 6, actually 8 including our dogs. Winter is 8, I'm 10, my youngest sister Addie/Adelyn is 5, and my brother Angus is 4. We call Adelyn Addie for short. We have two black labs Otter and Twitch. Twitch is Otters dad. Twitch is 15 in human years and 100 something in dog years. Otter is 11. PS. When they fart it stinks sooo bad!
Today is my birthday!

I'm looking forward to doing alot of projects and crafts this year. I love projects like art and painting and crafts that include glue and alot of pieces that you have to put together. I'm also looking forward to going on a lot of field trips. I want to get a book or series that I'm really interested in.

I'm really good at science and social studies because I enjoy it and I like doing experiments and explore nature. My weakest subject is language arts. I'm sorry if I upset you but I don't like writing or vocabulary or spelling. I do enjoy writing my own stories. It's really hard for me to structure my paragraphs. That's why I would prefer writing my own stories. 

Now you get to know a little bit about me and what I'm looking forward to in 5th grade.
-Mya Wagenbrenner

(Then she drew a picture of Otter to illustrate her paragraph)

P.S. Twitch looks the same.

I hope she gets a good grade.

A couple weeks ago, one of the kids was on my phone and turned this alarm on. Every morning at 7:20, my cowgirl alarm goes off. I'm not really sure what it means. I think someone needed a cowgirl costume at some point and I set an alarm at night because I didn't want to forget in the morning? But just seeing my cowgirl alarm at 7:20 tells me that it's time to cowgirl. Like it's time to really kick it into high gear and get going. Cuz cowgirls don't mess around y'all. I like it so I leave it on. I would actually make a horrible cowgirl because horses scare me.

I haven't done a whole lot of grocery shopping because we don't have a working stove or sink right now so we can't really use any dishes. I bought a few of these for my lunches. I love them. They're like grown up lunchables. They sell them at any grocery store or Target. That's all I got this week.

Happy Wednesday!!

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