Saturday, April 4, 2020

day fortyteenth

I got on here to start another blog thinking it had been at least 10 days since my last post and it had only been 3. I'm not even exaggerating. So I got off the computer and did some laundry I didn't really need to do. But I'm back now. It's a whole week later and life looks exactly the same.

So many people I've talked to are having a hard time right now whether they are scared, sad, disappointed, lonely, exhausted, overwhelmed or filled with anxiety.

Here's something that's helping me. Just take one day at a time. Simple but really helpful when you stop thinking about next week or next month or summer or when will this ever end? When you just look at the day ahead, it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

If you're a praying person, when you get up in the morning, just pray for today. (If you're not, there's never been a better time to start) And maybe think of one thing that will bring you life today... I keep thinking about how Jesus told us to pray for our daily bread, not our weekly or monthly bread. Obviously go to the store and get what you need for the next week or month or however you're doing the shopping thing but then stop worrying about tomorrow.

Another super timely verse: Matthew 6:34 - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Aint that the truth.

Distance learning wasn't bad this week. Everything is online and the girls are pretty much able to do their assignments on their own. There was one super hard math problem I had to do for Mya that I still don't understand. I just copied the example and was able to solve it. The important thing is that we finished the assignment. Haha kidding, she's learning some things... that's important too. Shout out to all you teachers! You all continue to amaze me. Life threw you a curve ball and even though you've never played baseball you stepped up to the plate, kept your eye on the ball and made contact. Well done. Sorry for the sports analogy. I miss baseball. Go Dodgers.

I've been checking on the kids and asking them how they are feeling about all of this. So far, they seem fine. They have each other so I think that helps when they are missing friends. They have built in besties at home. That's my thankful thing this week. I'm thankful that they get along enough to entertain each other. They do fight of course because they aren't alien children. But they also play together and that has been a life savor for all of us.

Wednesday was April fools. Most people were not in the mood to be fooled because life kinda feels just like one cruel joke right now. But that didn't stop Mya and Winter. They found out about April fools somehow and decided to cover our bedroom in pranks, right before Dan went in there to have a bible study over the phone with some guys from church. They filled our pillows with books, taped over the light switch, drew black spiders on our toilet paper, put our throw pillows under our clothes in the closet, filled the washer and dryer with stuffed animals and put green paint in my face wash. But the best prank was the walkie talkie they hid in the bed that beeped every few seconds. Dan couldn't find it at first so he was pretty mad. Eventually he located it and took the batteries out.

We have gone through an impressive amount of freezer food including frozen fruit I've collected over time for smoothies. We've done a great job using up the food in our fridge too. It makes Dan really happy when we use the food in our fridge and our freezer and not let any go to waste, so he's ecstatic right now.

We've been doing P.E. with the kids... Dan and I have been switching it up with running, bike riding and yesterday I made an obstacle course with jumping rope, pogo sticking, stick horse riding, soccer ball kicking and hula hooping. 

I got tired of walking around in Azusa so I drove to a nice neighborhood in Glendora and went for a walk and found this giant sunflower on the sidewalk.

Angus is still helping Dan with outside projects.

I'm not sure what's going on here but Addie wanted me to take a picture of it.

And now for a few of my favorite memes. I get these from a Facebook group I'm in that has an ongoing thread of funny memes. It's one of the best things ever to come from this dumb virus.

  I realized I didn't include my very favorite meme last time. I think it makes me laugh because Doritos are my favorite chip of all the chips for sure.

It's funnier if you say it really slow. Happy Blursday everyone!

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