Friday, July 12, 2013


Monday through Thursday we went on a family adventure to a lake just outside of Yosemite called Saddlebag lake. I say adventure because one cannot vacation with small children. It's best to just think of it as an adventure. And that is just what it was. The girls got to get down and dirty the whole time without worrying about getting their clothes or faces messed up.

To our dogs, Otter & Twitch, retrieving things in the water is pure heaven. So we did some of that too.

We went fishing and Mya got to real her first fish in. She was a little leery of what was on the other end but she came around. And we had fish appetizers for dinner that night.

Dan got to eat many of his favorite foods like bacon, ribs and steak so that made him happy.


Winter's belly was not a fan of the altitude or the food, not quite sure which. She ended up puking 2 out of 3 nights BUT did not get any in her bed or on her clothes so I was happy about that. Dan's glasses broke but not all the way. He still had one ear piece to hold them on his face :-) I have over 20 masquito bites so I have learned to use spray next time. We hiked, fished, played, ate and sat in front of a camp fire.

AND we got to see a billion more stars than we see on a normal night at home. There were a few meltdowns but definitely more smiling than frowning.

We came home and immediately took baths and showers. It feels so good to get clean when you're 3-night-camping dirty. I have several loads of laundry to do but it was so worth it.

All in all, it was an amazing trip. The girls did great and Dan and I enjoyed some good family time. Next year will be more of an adventure with a 7 month old. Maybe we'll take an RV.

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