Saturday, July 6, 2013

let the sunshine in

I am a sun person. I love the spring and summer. I am twice as happy in those months. I don’t do well in the fall and winter. It’s a good thing Christmas falls in the middle. Otherwise, my mood would be pretty stinky November through February. When I think of all of my happy places they all involve lots of sunshine. The beach, laying out by the pool, riding on a boat, wakeboarding and snorkeling in Hawaii and Thailand. (I looooove snorkeling. There is something so peaceful about being underwater where there is no sound just looking at all of God’s beautiful underwater creations.)

The 4th of July is another favorite of mine. We had so much fun Thursday. We enjoyed swimming, face painting, hitting piñatas, eating cotton candy, barbequing outside with all the neighbors, blowing bubbles, drawing on the driveway with sidewalk chalk and riding bikes… all while being warmed by the summer sun.

People are known to be happier in the sun. There are always those people who say they love the rain and snow the best but if we don’t get much sun, our mood starts to get dark, just like the weather. It’s how we are made. As human beings, we need sunshine to function happily.
I feel the same way about my relationship with God. If I am in the word, reading a devotion or listening to Christian music, my mood automatically starts to get better. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Prayer and worship gives me a peace that it hard to explain. It’s just something you have to experience to know I guess.
When I am not in communication with the Lord, my mood becomes just like it does when it is raining outside; heavy, dark and frustrated with others around me. As long as I let that sunshine in, I feel the peace and happiness that comes with the Holy Spirit. He reminds me as I go about my day that there really is no need to be so grumpy. I have so much to be thankful for and I am so blessed.

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