Friday, January 10, 2014


This is my 100th post! I feel like I should get a cake or something.

Here's my 100th post:

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when I say that I've wished for a long time now that just once I could witness those rule breakers on the freeway getting pulled over for being so reckless and annoying. You know, the ones who weave in and out of traffic, cut in and out of the carpool lane, or pass you on the shoulder to exit. I'm a rule follower (for the most part) and it makes me so mad when others get away with not following the rules. Perhaps you are a rule breaker. I hope you change your ways. There are babies and children out there people! Drive safe.

Well, just a few days ago I was in the carpool lane in Glendale of course. No offense to those living in Glendale but it's not exactly known for it's safe drivers ;-) So I'm in my minivan cruising along at a nice speed, passing all the stopped traffic (love it!) when I saw a car cross the double yellow lines and cut off the guy in front of me. Oooh it got my blood boiling. (Writing this is making me realize I may still have a little road rage. I thought I was done with that when I quit working and commuting but I guess not.) But THEN I saw a motorcycle cop pass me with his lights on and pull over that rule breaker. Yes! So exciting. I was filled with joy. That really made my year. 2014 is off to a great start!

Oh and by the way, that dude was solo. He wasn't even carpooling AND he crossed the double yellow lines AND he cut someone off. Idiot.

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