Thursday, January 30, 2014

heights, mascara & nachos

Pics issue solved. Upgraded to Google Chrome. Whatever.


Dan hates to see Mya climbing up stuff like this. To be fair, he's a paramedic and has seen his fair share of awful kid tragedies but I still like to give him crap for it. Here's Mya demonstrating her love of climbing tall things. It was her idea to send a pix message to Daddy :-)

We have "quiet time" at our place because we don't nap anymore. The girls usually watch a movie in separate rooms. Winter gets to lay down in our bed and Mya in hers. Today, Winter quietly helped herself to mommy's make-up bag.

Lunch today was made from leftover ingredients from tacos one night and enchiladas the next. The result...

nachos! Don't they look awesome. And they were. I recommend cooking them in the toaster oven for crispy chips.

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