Friday, January 10, 2014


This is kind of an embarrassing post. But, maybe everyone else does this and maybe it's just me. When I see a young guy driving next to me, I quickly get in "look young and hot" mode. Especially because it's easy to pretend I'm hot in a car. No one can see my outfit and I'm usually wearing sunglasses. I think I look my best in the car. I think everyone looks better driving than up close and personal. It's the mystery of it all maybe. It's not like I'm flirting. I don't even look at them. The lady in me just wants to feel attractive to strangers. Okay, now I'm on the fence about posting this...  ANYWAY.

So I was driving yesterday when a college age guy pulled up next to me. I switched over to "look young and hot" mode, pretending I was in my 20's on my way to Starbucks to hang with my gals. Then I realized something... I'm driving a MINIVAN...with 3 kids in it! Haha, I'm 32, not 21. There's no more faking it now. I look like a 32 year old married lady with 3 kids. Oh well, that's what I am after all. And my hubby things I'm hot. Well that's what he says anyway ;-)

And there you have it. I've shared a bit of the real me with you. I'm not proud.

1 comment:

  1. haha! I love you Amie. I think many woman do that, you are not alone :)
