Sunday, September 21, 2014


There are so many words one could use to describe parenting. One of the front runners would for sure be GROSS.

I think I block out a lot of the bad stuff that happens and the good stuff for that matter. I'm in such a fog all the time I just don't remember a lot of it. But every once in a while, I have a flashback and remember really bad days, I mean gross. I had literally not thought about this one in years when I remembered it the other day while changing one of Addie's impressive poopie diapers. So lucky you! You get to hear about it :)

One day, I went to Albertsons with my sweet little perfect Mya. She was about 10 months and I just loved taking her places with me. She was a great baby. Very happy. Shocking I know. So we did our shopping and as I was checking out, I noticed a really bad smell. I think I've mentioned before that Mya would save her poops for a day or two and then just have a massive blowout and it would get everywhere. No diaper in the world would contain it. Well, it happened to be my lucky day at Albertsons. I knew the smell was coming from Mya. I reached around and grabbed the diaper to open and check and ahhhh! It was coming out of the diaper and up her back. There was even some on the cart. I gasped and thought, maybe no one will notice. The bagging guy looked at me funny like he smelled it too. No one said anything about it but I know they knew. I just prayed they didn't see the bits of poop on the cart next to her. I rushed to my car where I had wipes and a spare diaper and changed her and wiped the cart down and put some hand sanitizer on the seat, rubbed it around and shrugged my shoulders... Ugh, GROSS Mya!

As I write this, I am reminded of another GROSS day that kind of tops that one because it involves puke. And puke is way worse than poop. Again, I was with Mya. She was a little over a year and I was very pregnant with Winter. I took Mya along with me to a friend's kid's Christmas performance. I came in and sat up in the front so I could see (and I was a cocky first time mom with a well behaved baby). A few minutes before it started (or after it started, I can't remember) I gave Mya a little toddler cereal bar so I could take some pics. Then I looked over and she started choking on it. I quickly picked her up, not sure what to do. As I picked her up, the stroller she was sitting in fell backward because I had my purse and diaper bag on the handles. Just about when the stroller hit the ground, Mya stopped choking for a second and puked right down the middle of my blouse. Inside of my blouse and in my bra. I stood there just stunned. A sweet man picked the stroller up for me and looked at me with a very helpless look. He felt so bad for me. Everyone was staring at me! After about 5 seconds of just standing there dripping with puke and Mya sitting happily in my arms relieved to be breathing again, I put her in her stroller and we left. I think I said something like, "I don't even know what to do right now" to Mya then started cleaning us up with baby wipes. I got the bulk of it and drove home disgusted; the most embarrassed and disgusted I'd ever been. I HATE vomit. I mean, no one really likes it but I can safely say it is my least favorite bodily fluid. 

What a sweet little baby she was :)

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