Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sleepy shots

Night time is always such a nice time for me. I'm exhausted but the house is quiet and I can think and calm down. I'm usually pretty worked up from dinner time and bed time rituals like dinner table battles to stop playing and eat, clean-up your toys time, time-outs, spankings, yelling at the girls to go to bed, and so on. Any parent knows that early evening to bed time is guaranteed the worst time of day for everyone. My patience has warn thin and everyone is tired and cranky, especially the baby. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. It is what it is. 

But after everyone is in bed, I can begin to wind down and reset my brain for the next day. As I've said before, one of my favorite things about night time is going into the girls' room and checking out the sleeping situation. The girls never look sweeter than when they are asleep. It is then that I can see how little and cute they are and their sweet little peaceful faces are so flawless and soft. I always think about how fast they are growing up and how I should cherish them more at this age. But then I remind myself that this mommy thing is hard and I am doing my best. 

Anyway, so here are some sleeping pics from the other day. 

I threw in one of Twitch just cuz. He sleeps all day so I have plenty photo ops. Here he is making a pillow out of poor Black Baby.

Winter loves to accessorize... even in her sleep. Note the snowman beanie, black chunky bracelet and blue mitten. She has a pink one on the other hand. Her hair was in ponytails too. Mya must have been practicing again.

And here's Mya passed out on her bed. She has her blanket over her face. Looks like she's had one too many.


  1. That last pic of Mya would be awesome to compare to another pic when she's in her 20's after a night of partying ;)

    1. Ha! Not my perfect little Mya ;) she's gonna hate the taste of alcohol and focus strictly on school and work ;)
