Tuesday, September 23, 2014

night games

We are at church 2 or 3 times a week for different meetings etc. The girls usually run ahead of me and wait. And when we're leaving they run to the edge of the parking lot and wait there until I come hold their hands and we walk to the car. 

Well Sunday night, for some reason, after AWANA Winter ran super fast to the curb where she usually waits then darted out to the little planter in the middle of the parking lot then disappeared into the dark parking lot with the many moving vehicles. I yelled but it was pointless. She was too far away. Mya yelled, "Winter ran into the parking lot!" I yelled, "I know, she's gonna die!" She just waited by the Van as I quickly caught up becoming more furious by the second. I gave her a little lecture and Daddy gave her a little lecture and a time out when we got home. I'm hoping we made a big enough deal that she won't do it again... I used to be preoccupied with raising Winter to be an adult who makes good decisions. Now I'm just hoping she makes it to adulthood. 

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