Thursday, January 29, 2015


Who doesn't love a trip to good ol' Trader Joe's? It's kind of my happy place. And there are no children there in my happy place. If I have to bring the baby, it's still nice but not as enjoyable. I just love checking out the new seasonal items and grabbing a sample and a mini coffee. 

I was looking for coffee at Target and mentioned to Mya that they didn't have decaf light roast. A young college dude commented that they had it at Trader Joe's. We started talking about how much we love Trader Joe's. Then he was like, I think I'm just going to go buy some right now and he left the coffee aisle empty handed in search of better options at the best store in the world. I was jealous because it was late in the afternoon and there was no way I had time to go to Trader Joe's before melt down time around 5:00PM when the baby really starts fussing and Winter and Mya fight about anything and everything. Oh well, another day.

I just had to share a couple of my favorite items. 

If you like hummus, you'll love this stuff. I can eat a whole container in one sitting. All I need is a bag of pita chips. I shared some with my 8-year-old neighbor buddy Rylie and she actually asked for some for Christmas =)  

And this sauce is so yummy. I made some pasta for Addie and ate everything she didn't. 

Stay tuned for more of my favorites!

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