Thursday, March 5, 2015


Mya and I went to Texas last week. Just got home Sunday. We went to visit my brother Christopher's family since I figured we wouldn't be going out there after the baby is born and Mya mentions her favorite cousin Angela pretty much every day. She actually told me Angela was her favorite person in the world while we were there. She said I was second. That's cool. At least I'm at the top! I think that's only because I went with her to Texas :)

So this was Mya's first time on a plane so she was pretty pumped. She loved it when the plane took off. She didn't enjoy the landing so much because her ears were hurting. And the boys behind us were kicking the back of the seat for three hours. But now I can use that as a reference when she's kicking the back of anyone's seat.

My sis-in-law Regina is kind of a supermom. She homeschool's and makes EVERYTHING from scratch. While we were there we had yogurt smoothies made with homemade yogurt, homemade pancakes, homemade pizza made with homemade sauce, homemade tea and of course we made homemade playdough. My brother even informed me that he makes his own bullets for his gun. (It's Texas) I was almost inspired to start making my own playdough. I have the stuff. We'll see if I actually follow through...

Chris wanted to take Mya shooting. I laughed and thought he was joking. Dan actually agreed to it too! Crazy men. Thankfully it was too cold (35) and rainy to shoot that day.

We didn't go outside much so we played pretty much every board game known to man and Mya had Angela all to herself. She even got to sleep in her bed with her. So cute.

It was actually very restful even though they have four kids and the house was rarely quiet. But I didn't have a toddler to chase after and there was no fighting between Winter and Mya so it was really easy :)

Anthony is taking the picture... just realize I didn't get any pics of him :( 
He's 13 and adorable and tall and super helpful. 

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