Friday, March 20, 2015

Amy's Farm

We took our annual GUM trip to Amy's Farm today. It's not something I was looking forward to because it's a lot of work being pregnant with a toddler on a farm and it's usually really hot. But this year was surprisingly enjoyable. The weather was actually perfect and the girls were in heaven. I couldn't help but be happy for them. And it made me feel like a good mom letting them experience such a fun educational day.

Addie was SO excited about this cow. She screamed when she saw her. 

Here she is trying to tell Grace to check out this glorious animal! She has her hand on her shoulder. So cute.

So enthralled. 

Checkin' out the chickens. 

There's a goat up there. 

Winter loves animals more than your average 4-year-old.  

I always say she'll probably be a chef when she grows up but now I'm thinking farmhand is in her future. 

Hangin' with the goats. 

Feeding the little pig. 

Here's Mari milking a cow. Love the expression on her face. 

Winter milked the cow then got in line to milk it again. She was the only one that went back for more =) 

Grace is such a ham. She always smiles big for photos. So cute. Love the cowgirl boots.

Addie was so happy watching this guy eat. 

And these girls loved brushing the horse. Winter could have sat there for an hour just brushing him.  

And when I told her it was time to go she cried, then untied him and yelled "Go horsie GO! She wanted him to be free. I couldn't blame her.  

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