Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Growing up 7th Day Adventist, Saturdays were peaceful family days. We would go to church then potluck then maybe a hike or something with families from church. I still have that mindset even though we go to church on Sunday now.

Last Saturday Dan worked overtime and the girls were pretty tired from just go-go-going all week and getting over being sick AGAIN. So I thought we would just spend some time together as a family. I'm also trying to spend more quality time with the girls since there will be a new little man in my life in about a month consuming my every waking minute for the next year or so.

So we all slept in and for breakfast I decided to make the girls strawberry pancakes with pink and purple sprinkles and Mya's favorite, Mango smoothies. After I put the baby down for her morning nap, we made play dough! I never make stuff so this was kind of a big deal. The girls played with their new home made play dough and cookie cutters outside for about an hour.

I thought to myself, what a nice Saturday this is turning out to be.

Then everything kind of went south. Mya came in to inform me that Winter had dumped most of the play dough into the dogs' water bowl. Ugh. She was trying to make the dogs some soup I guess. I then found my bathroom mat soaked in the front of the house. Something about a doggie bubble bath... 

The baby woke up shortly after that so I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to go out for a treat to keep the girls happy so I could run some errands. I had to make a couple of quick stops so I got them Chick-Fil-A kids meals and some criss cut fries for the baby. And of course I got a wonderful strawberry milkshake, a must have if you are every near a Chick-Fil-A. The girls took turns complaining about their meals while Addie happily ate her salty snack. After finishing the food, they starting fighting and fought all the way through the errands and to Target. We had to stop to get a present for our neighbor's birthday party that afternoon and some snacks for a few friends coming over that night. It couldn't be avoided. So, already irritated, I barked out a few rules I was sure would be ignored and I walked in with a determined attitude.

Why do I keep bringing kids with me to go grocery shopping? Or any shopping for that matter? 

Worst. Target. Trip. EVER. And nothing even that horrible happened. I guess I just haven't had them all with me in a while... and I'm just so pregnant... and MAN they were not listening AT ALL. Winter constantly wondered off. Mya asked for everything in the store and Addie was not happy doing anything but standing up in the front of the cart hanging onto my neck as I pushed. I'm way to pregnant to hold her. I can barely make it through a target run without a 20 pound baby on my hip. After filling my cart with everything we needed plus a birthday present plus snacks for my friends plus a few things Winter snuck into the cart that I had to ditch, we made our way to the check out. Of course we had to make a potty stop because once the potty is spotted, everyone has to go.

I got to the checkout and tried to rummage through my wallet for coupons I'd saved and fill out the cartwheel ap but quickly decided it was not worth it. I actually said it out loud, "Not worth it!" Too much for one mommy to bear. Too much! With Addie in my arms and Mya and Winter exploring everything on the shelves in the check out aisle while loading everything onto the counter, we managed to pay and make it out of Target without me killing anyone.

I yelled at the girls to buckle up as I buckled fussy Addie into her car seat and began unloading the groceries. Then I noticed a $20 toy I didn't purchase. Well at least I didn't mean to. I yelled, "WHO put this in my cart?! Winter fessed up and I decided there was no way I was going back in there to return it so I spanked Winter, told her once again that we NEVER put things in the cart without asking and drove home super annoyed and defeated. 

The rest of the afternoon was okay. I sent the girls upstairs to play, with strict instructions not to say a word to mommy for one whole hour while I cooled down. It actually worked and I managed to gain a tiny bit of composure and go to the afternoon birthday party. It's really not fair that pregnant women can't have a giant margarita to take the edge off of a really bad day. I swear I would be a way better mom in the afternoon if I could.

But all is well that ends well. I had a nice evening and even though Mya opened the lego set that I unknowingly purchased, Target was very understanding and let me return it for full credit. Whew. 

Four kids? What was I thinking?

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